Monday, September 30, 2013

Special Hate

Be not afraid to look upon the special hate relationship, for freedom lies in looking at it. 
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Sunday, September 29, 2013

It Never Happened

The ego attempts to convince you that you have a personal story that is obviously real. The attitude of the Holy Spirit though, can best be summed in just three words: It never happened!
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, September 28, 2013


To sum up our discussion on the topic of time the Course teaches you, ‘Time and eternity are both in your mind, and will conflict until you perceive time solely as a means to regain eternity. You cannot do this as long as you believe that anything happening to you is caused by factors outside yourself. You must learn that time is solely at your disposal, and that nothing in the world can take this responsibility from you.’  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Holy Instant

Never approach the holy instant after you have tried to remove all fear and hatred from your mind. That is ITS function. Never attempt to overlook your guilt before you ask the Holy Spirit’s help. That is HIS function. Your part is only to offer Him a little willingness to let Him remove all fear and hatred, and to be forgiven. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Thursday, September 26, 2013

God is Limitless

God limits not. And what is limited cannot be Heaven. So it must be hell.
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Mind or the Body?

Truth is the absence of illusions; illusion the absence of truth. Both cannot be together, nor perceived in the same place. To dedicate yourself to both is to set up a goal forever impossible to attain, for part of it is sought through the body, thought of as a means for seeking out reality through attack. The other part would heal, and therefore calls upon the mind and not the body.
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Your Memory of God

The seeming interaction between you and God is really an interaction within your own unconscious split mind - between the part of you that has forgotten your reality and the part of your mind where the Holy Spirit dwells. He has never left you. His voice is your memory of God - your memory of your true home. This Voice represents your long-forgotten reality. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Insane Ego Thought System

It's only after the ego is sufficiently undone that you can look back and see how crazy your ego thought system was. That's why J says this, "You cannot evaluate an insane belief system from within it. Its range precludes this. You can only go beyond it, look back from a point where sanity exists and see the contrast. Only by this contrast can insanity be judged as insane."  ~ Your Immortal Reality

Monday, September 23, 2013

Nothing Wrong with Moving On

The ironic thing about this spiritual path is that even though it is all about undoing the idea of separation in the mind and returning to Oneness, on the level of form, however, you may be guided to separate as you practice forgiveness; separate from your spouse, your job, your place of residence, your friends, or what have you.

Once certain forgiveness lessons have been learned, sometimes you’ll feel guided to move on, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that. You may very well find you have outgrown the need for particular relationships and circumstances in your life due to your practice of true forgiveness. 

~ Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Your Oneness with God

The awareness of your oneness with the Presence of God is yours because God gave it to you. You have forgotten it. Yet it is still there, buried in your mind. There is a way to remember. And by remembering, you will reclaim what you really are and where you really belong. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Choose Once Again

As your ego is gradually undone, you get closer and closer to the beginning; that moment where you made the one mistake that resulted in all the others. Then you will get to choose once again for the final time, resulting in your return to Heaven and eternal Oneness with God. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, September 20, 2013

Forgiveness Heals

Time heals not all wounds, but forgiveness will heal all time.
~ Gary Renard, The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, September 19, 2013

True Humility

Humility will never ask that you remain content with littleness. But it does require that you be not content with less than greatness that comes not of you. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

You Won't Miss Anyone

Remember, when you wake up from a dream, the dream disappears. It will be gone completely. You will not miss anyone, because everyone you ever knew and loved will be there - because they will be one with you. It's awesome. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Your Problems are not the Problem

The ego tries to convince you that your problems are the problem, but the Holy Spirit knows it’s the well-hidden, unconscious guilt that makes you need to dream a world of separation in the first place that’s the problem. Of course, the world doesn’t think that. The world doesn’t even know about it! As the Course makes sure to remind you late in the Text, ‘Of one thing you were sure: of all the many causes you perceived as bringing pain and suffering to you, your guilt was not among them.’
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, September 16, 2013

What Does Forgiveness Do?

What does forgiveness do? In truth it has no function, and does nothing, for it is unknown in Heaven. It is only hell where it is needed, and where it must serve a mighty function. 
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Sunday, September 15, 2013

God's Kingdom

God's Kingdom has no limits and no end, and there is nothing in Him that is not perfect and eternal. All this is YOU, and nothing outside of this IS you. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Saturday, September 14, 2013


All anger is nothing more than an attempt to make someone feel guilty, and this attempt is the only basis the ego accepts for special relationships. Guilt is the only need the ego has, and as long as you identify with it, guilt will remain attractive to you. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Friday, September 13, 2013

Attaining the Real World

The real world is attained simply by the complete forgiveness of the old, the world you see without forgiveness. The great Transformer of perception will undertake with you the careful searching of the mind that made this world, and uncover to you the seeming reasons for your making it. In the light of the real reason that He brings, as you follow Him, He will show you that there is no reason here at all.
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bodies are All the Same

The more you forgive, the less you’re taken in by the ego’s tricks. As J says late in the Course about God’s teachers, ‘Awareness of dreaming is the real function of God’s teachers. They watch the dream figures come and go, shift and change, suffer and die. Yet they are not deceived by what they see. They recognize that to behold a dream figure as sick and separate is no more real than to regard it as healthy and beautiful.’ So bodies, sick or healthy, are really all the same, because none of them are true. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Your Unconscious Guilt

The ego tries to convince you that your problems are the problem, but the Holy Spirit knows it’s the well-hidden, unconscious guilt that makes you need to dream a world of separation in the first place that’s the problem. Of course, the world doesn’t think that. The world doesn’t even know about it! As the Course makes sure to remind you late in the Text, ‘Of one thing you were sure: of all the many causes you perceived as bringing pain and suffering to you, your guilt was not among them.’
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Body is in Your Mind

You perceive yourself as being in a body, and then the body tells you what to feel. But you should be the one who tells the body what to feel. You are not in the body; the body is in your mind. When you put the mind in its proper perspective, then you're taking charge of the cause instead of being at the mercy of the effect. Then you can choose the Holy Spirit and His answer instead of the ego's questions. Thus will you be returned to wholeness. Because of that, how you experience things will change on this level, and the Holy Spirit will take care of the job on the larger, metaphysical scale.  ~ Your Immortal Reality

Monday, September 9, 2013

Being a Student First

It takes many years of practice to make significant progress, but a lot of people want to skip to the end without utilizing the means, which is forgiveness. They want to be a master without being a student. If you try to be more than that, then strange things happen.

For example, there are a couple of so-called Course teachers who have set themselves up as cult leaders. Sometimes it's obvious that this is what's going on, and sometimes it's more subtle. In any case, if a teacher or their assistants try to get you to surrender any personal property to them or make large donations, something is rotten in Denmark. Ditto if they want you to live at their location. I

It's clear the Course is not meant to be used as an escape from society, but as a tool to forgive society. Invariable, cult leaders will present a facade of being infallible. Rather than empowering you to do your own forgiveness work, which is clearly the intention of the Course, they'll try to make you think that it's being in their presence and following them that leads to enlightenment.

~ Your Immortal Reality

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Without guilt there is no scarcity. The sinless have no needs. 
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles 

# 3 Rule of Spiritual Healing

Now here's the third biggest all-time, perhaps hard to believe yet absolutely true rule, when it comes to spiritual healing: Ultimately, the universe itself is a symptom that will disappear.  

When you really wake up, what appeared to be real before is now recognized as the idle dream that it is. Then it is forgotten, or at least rendered meaningless. Your present lifetime and all of the others will disappear, and when everyone reaches the same state of enlightenment, the universe will disappear – leaving only God's universe of Heaven.  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, September 7, 2013

#2 Rule of Spiritual Healing

Here's the #2 rule of all time time when it comes to spiritual healing: Pain is not a physical process; it is a mental process. 

Healing requires a shift in perception, and as the Course asks and answers for you, ‘What is the single requisite for this shift in perception? It is simply this; the recognition that sickness is of the mind, and has nothing to do with the body. What does this recognition “cost?” It costs the whole world you see, for the world will never again appear to rule the mind. For with this recognition is responsibility placed where it belongs; not with the world, but on him who looks on the world and sees it as it is not.’  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, September 6, 2013

#1 Rule of Spiritual Healing

Here's the #1 rule of all time when it comes to spiritual healing: It's not about the patient.

All healing is a result of some kind of forgiveness, and all forgiveness leads to self-healing. So even when it comes to healing the sick it's really about forgiving your own dream, and forgiving yourself for dreaming it.   
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Forgiving the World

It's by forgiving the world that you will awaken, and realize that you never left Heaven, and have remained exactly as God created you, which is perfect spirit. As J puts it in the Course, 'You are as God created you. All else but this one thing is folly to believe. In this one thought is everyone set free. In this one truth are all illusions gone. In this one fact is sinlessness proclaimed to be forever part of everything, the central core of its existence and its guarantee of immortality.'

But always remember the forgiveness that leads to this experience must be done at the level of cause and not effect, as J points out very early in the Text, "You must change your mind, not your behavior, and this is a matter of willingness. You do not need guidance except at the mind level. Correction belongs only at the level where change is possible. Change does not mean anything at the symptom level, where it cannot work."   ~ Your Immortal Reality

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Seeing Yourself without Condemnation

The Holy Spirit will teach you how to see yourself without condemnation, by learning how to look on everything without it. Condemnation will then not be real to you, and all your errors will be forgiven. 
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's the Unconscoius Mind that Runs You

Most people assume it's what they believe in their conscious mind that matters, when the truth is it's what they believe in their unconscious mind that makes all the difference - and they can't change that on their own. That's why the Holy Spirit is the way out. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, September 2, 2013

Admitting to Your Ego Thought System

Not only do you have tremendous resistance to facing what you think is your awful guilt underneath the surface, but simultaneously, your ego is terrified that to do so successfully, and change your mind about it, would result in losing its identity as a separate individual. It's going to take some willpower on your part to admit to this thought system within yourself as you observe it in action, and then allow the Holy Spirit to undo it as you forgive the symbolic images of it that you see outside of you.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Bringing Illusions to Truth

The Atonement does not make holy. You were created holy. It merely brings unholiness to holiness; or what you made to what you are. Bringing illusion to truth, or the ego to God, is the Holy Spirit's only function.
 ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles