Friday, October 31, 2014

The Universe is Not Worth It

You will not find compromise with us, and you will not always like it. That doesn’t matter. If we gave you everything you think you want, you’d be looking for something else a month later. You don’t need us to help you feel good about a universe that was never worth the price of admission, and never will be. There is something much better to feel good about. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Forgiveness Ends Terrifying Dreams

Without forgiveness will your dreams remain to terrify you. 
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Tale Told By An Idiot

God did not create duality and He did not create the world. If He did, He would be the author of ‘a tale told by an idiot.’ But God is not an idiot. He can only be one of two things. He is either perfect Love, as the Bible says when it momentarily stumbles upon the truth, or He's an idiot. You can't have it both ways.  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Notihng But Perfect Oneness

Heaven is real oneness, unlike the idea of being one with the universe, or even one with the mind that is outside of time and space that made the universe. Those ideas are still seemingly outside of God. With true oneness there is only God, and there cannot ever be anything else. That's why no compromise on this idea is possible.

The Course's idea of God is as lofty as it can possibly be, because it is the truth. Oneness cannot be perfect if there is anything else to be aware of. The Course says, '...Heaven is not a place nor a condition. It is merely an awareness of perfect oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else; nothing outside this oneness, and nothing else within.'

Monday, October 27, 2014

Their Use Will Give Them Meaning

Some of the ideas the workbook presents you will find hard to believe, and others may seem to be quite startling. This does not matter. You are merely asked to apply the ideas as you are directed to do. You are not asked to judge them at all. You are asked only to use them. It is their use that will give them meaning to you, and will show you that they are true. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Practicing Forgiveness

Each one's path is unique, but the way to God always comes back to practicing forgiveness. 
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saving Thousands of Years

A miracle, according to A Course in Miracles, is a shift in perception over to the Holy Spirit’s way of thinking, and not merely a modification of your own thoughts, forms, or circumstances. The Course says that the miracle can progress you much farther and faster along your spiritual path than would have otherwise been possible. For example, the Text says, ‘The miracle is the only device at your immediate disposal for controlling time.’ And, ‘The miracle substitutes for learning that might have taken thousands of years.’ ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, October 24, 2014

You Can Deny the Truth but Can't Ever Lose It

So to make it short and sweet, you fell asleep and started dreaming, and when you are ready to wake up by listening to your memory of God, the Holy Spirit, instead of listening to the ego, then you'll wake up. It's your dream, so only you can wake yourself up.

The Holy Spirit is actually your own Higher Self. But remember, God did not send the Holy Spirit. He was always with you, because even though you could deny the truth, you could never lose it.

Once again, if the dream was created by God and he could wake you up from it, it would be real. It would be a reality that was done to you by an outside force. But it's not. God is still perfect love, and your job is to wake up and return your awareness to where you really are. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Remembering Freedom

There is no change in Heaven because there is no change in God. In the holy instant, in which you see yourself as bright with freedom, you will remember God. For remembering Him IS to remember freedom. 
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

No Freedom Within the Script

The ego’s script is like a carrot and a stick. It tries to suck you into thinking you have freedom within the script, when the only real freedom you will ever find is completely outside the whole mess.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Salvation is Undoing

Use your mind to chose between the body and true spirit, and by doing so forgive the world. It is through your forgiveness that your ego will be undone. As the Course says, "Salvation is undoing." 
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, October 20, 2014

Purpose of the Body

What could the purpose of the body be but specialness? And it is this that makes it frail and helpless in its own defense. It was conceived to make YOU frail and helpless. The goal of separation is its curse. Yet bodies have no goal. Purpose is of the mind. And minds can change as they desire. 
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Course in Miracles is Not A Movement

A Course in Miracles is not a movement; there are more than enough of those. You don't have to take over the world. It doesn't matter whether the Course is popular or not. J knows what he's doing.

Those who are ready for the Course will find it. His Course is unique. It gives an individual a chance to learn that he or she is not an individual, and that they are never alone. It gives you the opportunity to commune with the Holy Spirit and ultimately, God. It accelerates your return to God by helping the Holy Spirit heal you.   ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Real Freedom

The only real freedom you have is to choose to return to God by listening to the Voice for Him, instead of continuing indefinitely within a fixed system that has nothing to do with Him. Your brain isn't hard wired to know God; your mind tells your brain what to do! Be glad the universe and your brain have nothing to do with God, and that there's a way to return to His Universe.  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, October 17, 2014

Sacrifice is Not Love

It is not love that asks a sacrifice. But fear demands the sacrifice of love, for in love's presence fear cannot abide. For hate to be maintained, love must be feared; and only sometimes present, sometimes gone.
 ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Thursday, October 16, 2014

God Does Not Respond to Separation

As far as the idea of separation from God goes, because your idea is not of God, He does not respond to it. To respond to it would be to give it reality. If God himself were to acknowledge anything except the idea of perfect oneness, there would no longer be perfect oneness. There would no longer be a perfect state of Heaven for you to return to. You never really left anyway. You're still there, but you have entered into a nightmare state of illusion. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The New F Word

Pursah: If what the Course is saying is true – that everyone who comes to this world is delusional or else they wouldn’t think they were here in the first place – then if you have a hit book, all it means is that you are admired by a large group of disturbed people.

Gary: That was a joke, right?

Pursah: Yes. Don’t worry about the reactions of people who take jokes like that seriously – whoever they may be. Don’t be defensive and walk on eggshells. Just put it out there. If somebody doesn’t like you because of it, forgive them.

Gary: There was a time, in the very recent past, when I would have used another f word.

Pursah: Now you have the new f word. Forgive them. 

~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Seeing Sin or Light?

Remember, in your brother you but see yourself. If he be lost in sin, so must you be; if you see light in him, yours sins have been forgiven by yourself. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Monday, October 13, 2014

No Waiting Period

There is no long waiting period in between being enlightened and waiting for someone else to be enlightened, because enlightenment is a state of Being that is beyond the confines of time and space. 
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Your Thoughts, Your Experience

Your thoughts determine your experience of life, not what happens in your life. What happens on the level of form - how long you live, how rich or poor you are, whether or not you're faced with the challenge of heart disease, stroke, cancer, or what have you - was all determined before you ever appeared to be born. The instant you chose the ego on that metaphysical level, everything else was a done deal. That's why life here isn't fair. And don't ask why you should even bother! I just said you do determine your experience with your thoughts, and your experience is what's important.
 ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Your Sole Responsibility

The sole responsibility of the miracle worker is to accept the Atonement for himself. The means of the Atonement is forgiveness. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Friday, October 10, 2014

Life not in Heaven is Impossible

Remember what A Course in Miracles says about your seeming life and death in this world, 'In any state apart from Heaven life is illusion. At best it seems like life; at worst, like death. Yet both are judgments on what is not life, equal in their inaccuracy and lack of meaning. Life not in Heaven is impossible, and what is not in Heaven is not anywhere.' ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Suffering or Joy?

You can exchange all suffering for joy this very day  ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

No Such Thing as Vicarious Salvation

The focus should always be on doing your forgiveness lessons and going home, not on the level of form and the body, which cannot be spiritualized. People are always looking for vicarious salvation. They want to be enlightened by following an enlightened one and having it bestowed on them. It doesn’t work that way. In addition, there are so many people out there presenting themselves as some kind of a master and saying they’re going to teach you ‘mastery,’ that it’s comical. If you drove a nail through the wrist of these people, it would hurt like hell. J really was a master, and he could feel no pain because the guiltless mind cannot suffer.
~ Your Immortal Reality

Monday, October 6, 2014

Virtual Reality Game

The body, the universe, and everything in it are just pictures in your mind, parts of a virtual reality game. Perhaps at times it's a rather convincing forgery of life but it's a fake. Don't look there for your salvation. Always look where the Answer really is - in the mind where the Holy Spirit abides - and you'll find it.   ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The World is an Hallucination

What if you recognized this world is an hallucination? What if you really understood you made it up? Hallucinations disappear when they are recognized for what they are. This is the healing and the remedy.
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Good Times, Bad Times

Your good times in this world are only good in comparison to the bad times. The comparison isn’t a valid one, because both the seemingly good times and the bad times are not Heaven. 
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, October 3, 2014

Why You Keep Reincarnating

Gary: So I keep reincarnating because of this unconscious guilt and fear that’s in my mind. You’re saying if the guilt was healed, and I didn’t have this hidden fear, then I wouldn’t have any need for a body, the world, or even the universe?

Arten: Excellent. I knew you weren’t a dumb bastard. I tried to tell J, but he wouldn’t listen. 

~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Nothing of Value Here

Each thing you value here is but a chain that binds you to the world, and it will serve no other end but this. 
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

How to Get in Touch with Your True Identity

A chief goal of A Course in Miracles is to lead the student to an Identity, and associated experiences, that are not of this world. These non-intellectual experiences, which are paradoxically the result of intellectual processes, are in fact the forerunner to the Holy Spirit's permanent answer to this world. 
~ The Disappearance of the Universe