Tuesday, April 30, 2013

You're Giving Up Nothing

Until you realize you give up nothing, until you understand there is no loss, you will have some regrets about the way that you have chosen. And you will not see the many gains your choice has offered you. Yet though you do not see them, they are there. Their cause has been effected, and they must be present where their cause has entered in. ~ J-Dog   Facebook.com/JDogACIM

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Nature of the Ego

So what is the nature of the ego that you carry in your unconscious, and that it doesn't want you to look at?

It's nature is hatred. Even if they see the hatred, which most people rationalize or gloss over, they still don't realize that it's really SELF-hatred. So you and others see people in the world who hate, attack, and even kill each other, and who would hurt or even kill you if they got th
e chance. The variations of this are endless. It can be as simple as being made uncomfortable by people you disagree with, personally or politically. It can show up in the form of people at work who try to make your life difficult, or relatives who don't encourage you. Or there can be situations that are more physically threatening. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe
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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Seeing Innocence in Everyone

As you're walking through you dream movie (which most people refer to as your life) which you wrote and directed and then forgot about so it would seem real, forgive what you made and return to God. Demonstrate that you have true wisdom by seeing the innocence in everyone, and thus making it your own. ~ Your Immortal Reality  Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Saturday, April 27, 2013

You Have No Problems

 You have no problems, though you think you have. And yet you could not think so if you saw them vanish one by one, without regard to size, complexity, or place and time, or any attribute which you perceive that makes each one seem different from the rest. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Friday, April 26, 2013

Choose Once Again

J has made it very clear how important your salvation is to him. As your ego is gradually undone, you get closer and closer to the beginning; that moment where you made the one mistake that resulted in all the others. Then you will get to choose once again for the final time, resulting in your return to Heaven and eternal Oneness with God. J will be with you every step of the way. For as he says to you in the Workbook, '...I have forgotten no one. Help me now to lead you back to where the journey was begun, to make another choice with me.' ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Thursday, April 25, 2013

My Salvation Comes From Me

The seeming cost of accepting today's idea is this: It means nothing outside yourself can save you; nothing outside yourself can give you peace. But it also means that nothing outside yourself can hurt you, or disturb your peace or upset you in any way. ~ J-Dog, A Course in Miracles

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What About Simple Non-Judgment?

Gary: What about simple non-judgment? Isn't non-judgment the same as forgiveness?

Pursah: That's an excellent question. It's true that the ego cannot survive without judgment, so if someone actually practiced complete non-judgment, then it would eventually undo the ego, as Buddha did, except he had a little bit more to do, so even he came back one more time. The problem is that it takes longer to do it in the simple non-judgment way, and it's actually harder to do. It's much better if you have the Holy Spirit's thought system to replace that which the ego has made.

J not only practiced non-judgment, he also employed a proactive form of forgiveness to change the way he looked at everything, thus greatly accelerating the process. That's why he emphasizes that the Course saves time. His background in both Jewish mysticism and Buddhism brought him to a faster version of salvation by not only undoing the ego, but actually replacing the ego thought system with the thought system of the Holy Spirit.   ~ Your Immortal Reality   Facebook.com/DWMJFphoto
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

You Can't Spiritual-ize the Universe

The ego, or wrong mind, makes everything that appears to happen on the level of form. Spirit makes nothing happen on the level of form, which is why you shouldn't spiritualize events or objects in the universe. The right mind gives the Holy Spirit's interpretation of the level of form, leading you - and by you we mean that observatory part of the mind that has identified with and thus bound itself to the ego - back home. Home is unchangeable spirit. ~The Disappearance of the Universe
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Monday, April 22, 2013

The Course is Unique

Make no mistake: There’s a difference in levels between A Course in Miracles and other teachings. The rest of them are moving things around in a universe that isn’t really there. That’s like moving the furniture around in a burning house. Yes, it might look nicer for a little while, but it’s denying the real problem. A Course in Miracles, on the other hand, is the undoing of all of it, and the return to the only thing that is real.   ~ Your Immortal Reality   Facebook.com/DWMJFphoto   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Real Power

The only real power you have here is the power to choose between the ego and the Holy spirit. In the process, if you happen to change dimensions of time through the Holy Spirit's collapsing of time and thus have a different scenario play itself out within the fixed script, then you should consider that to be a fringe benefit. That's not what the Course is about though. The real goal is Heaven, but the short term goal is peace, and the end of all pain and suffering. ~ Your Immortal Reality
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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Not About Perfect Behavior

Do not feel bad when you temporarily lose your way. There is no one who has ever walked this earth, including J, who did not give in to temptation in some way. The myth of living a perfect life in terms of behavior is self-defeating and unnecessary. All that is necessary is to be willing to receive correction.   ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJFphoto
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Friday, April 19, 2013

Calls for Love

Remember that others' call for love is your call for love. You should be grateful to them; you need them as much as they need you. Without those images you see and the miracle, you'd never be able to find the way out. These images are symbolic of what's in your unconscious mind and without them, your unconscious guilt would be forever hidden from you - there would be no escape. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe
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Thursday, April 18, 2013

You Don't Have to be More Loving

You have often thought you had to try harder to be a more loving person, so you could exemplify the love of J. That's not true. If you really want to be perfect Love like him and God, then what you need to do is learn how to remove, with the Holy Spirit's help, the barriers that you have placed in between yourself and God. Then you will naturally and inevitably become aware of what you really are. 
~ The Disappearance of the Universe
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Save Your Airfare and Forgive

Physical miracles are possible, because the mind makes everything. All psychic phenomena are possible, because "minds are joined." But why waste all that time and energy working on the illusory effects when you can go right to the cause and just take care of the mind? It's a question of how fast you want to get to where you're going. Why delay yourself?

It's like people who waste their lives fighting the battle of "good versus evil," when what they're really seeing out there in the world is merely symbolic of the conflict between right-mindedness or good, and wrong-mindedness or evil, that is occurring within their own split minds. Save your airfare and forgive. You'll get to Heaven a thousand times faster in the process. After you forgive, if you feel guided by the Holy Spirit to have a job aiding people in the world go right ahead. While you're doing it, you can continue to practice forgiveness at the same time.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJFphoto   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Solving a Problem

When you solve one problem in the universe of time and space, then what you get is another problem. That’s the way it’s set up so you’ll keep looking for answers in the wrong place out there in the world where the problem appears to be instead of where it really is, which is in the mind that caused the one real problem in the first place. ~ Gary Renard, Your Immortal Reality
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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Difference in Forgiveness

The kind of forgiveness Jesus used, and that his Course is teaching, is not the same kind of forgiveness that Christianity and the world sometimes participate in. If it were, then it would be a waste of time.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe  Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Monday, April 15, 2013

Can't Lose with God

It's only with God that you can't lose - which is why your real job always comes back to forgiveness.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe
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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Seeking the Truth

Gary: I heard a teacher say once you should follow someone who says they're seeking the truth, but run away from anyone who says they've found it.

Arten: That wouldn't serve you very well if you ever met someone who actually knows the truth, now would it? But it WOULD keep you running for a long time. Well, Jesus (not the Biblical version) DOES know the truth, and how can either you or that teacher be trained if you insist on being the trainer instead of a student?  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

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Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Course is NOT Christianity

In order for you to learn to save time, it would be very helpful if you approached the Course like the original thought system that it is, rather than seeing it as a continuation of Christianity, which it isn’t. Please don’t call it the Third Testament. It’s not. It’s the Course. You get Jesus without the religion. He’ll tell you a lot of things that cannot be reconciled with the Bible. Don’t waste your time trying to reconcile them.   ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Course is not New Age

You think the Course is part of the New Age movement, but it’s not. Don’t limit it. Yes, it’s good that some people are more open-minded and ready for new ideas. Remember, the Course is unique because it’s J explaining what he really wants to say. Remember that this is his only Course. There are other things that have come out since the Course was published that people have said came from him. Yet they don’t really teach the same thing as the Course. I ask you, would J contradict himself? I don’t say that to put anybody down. Obviously, we are not angry at people who we disagree with. We say these things merely for your clarification. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe
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Thursday, April 11, 2013

How To Function in the World

The only viable way of functioning in the world is to be prepared to forgive no matter what happens, and then it won’t matter what happens. The more you practice, the more natural forgiveness seems, and the less natural the world seems. This isn’t your home but you can have a good time here, and go home at the same time by seeing the world differently. ~ Your Immortal Reality
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

God is Perfect Love, and So Are You

If God is perfect love, then He is not anything else, and neither are you. You are, in fact, the Love of God, and your real life is with Him. Like J, you will come to know and experience that God is not outside of you. You will no longer identify yourself with a vulnerable body or anything else that can be limited, and a body is anything that has borders or limits. You will learn instead of your true reality as pure spirit that is invulnerable forever. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe
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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Guilt in Your Mind

The world you see can certainly be disgusting at times, but incredibly, it's actually an escape from a seemingly worse fate - the guilt in your own mind that you didn't even know about.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Monday, April 8, 2013


The experience of revelation, where God Himself silently communicates His Love to you, is beyond this world and cannot be captured with words. This experience sometimes happens to people before they are enlightened, but it doesn't always happen, and people shouldn't feel slighted if it doesn't. Each one's path is unique, but the way to God always comes back to practicing forgiveness.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Sunday, April 7, 2013

You Can't Skip Your Forgiveness Work

It’s through your own choice for the Holy Spirit and His thought system instead of the ego’s that your mind is returned to peace. That has to happen first in order for you to go home. You can’t skip your forgiveness homework. Everybody wants to skip to the end and be enlightened now, but it doesn’t work that way. If peace is the condition of the Kingdom, then the mind must be at peace in order to fit in. And in order for the mind to be at peace, you have to forgive. It’s as simple as that. ~ Your Immortal Reality   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/168442433183009/posts/4058084097552137/   Facebook.com/photo

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Guiltless Mind Cannot Suffer

A completely guiltless mind would never suffer pain, although it could choose any number of lessons to teach. It's possible for people who are not masters to alleviate their pain and do countless things with their minds on the road to becoming masters. As J says in the Manual for Teachers about a spiritual healer's patient, or for that matter any kind of a patient, 'Who is the physician? Only the mind of the patient himself. The outcome is what he decides that it is. Special agents seem to be ministering to him, yet they but give form to his own choice. He chooses them in order to bring tangible form to his desires.' ~ The Disappearance of the Universe
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Friday, April 5, 2013

Women Teachers

The Course doesn't need women teachers to teach other women how to be better women. What the Course needs is women teachers who are willing to teach other women that they are not women - because they are not bodies. That would make a unique contribution if the point were made in no uncertain terms.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe    Facebook.com/DWMJFphoto   Facebook.com/168442433183009/posts/4052206021473278/   Facebook.com/photo

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Forgiveness is Practical

Without its practical method of forgiveness, the Course would be nothing but a beautiful and useless book - fuel for debate and the games of the ego. Fortunately, as J says in the Introduction to the Clarification of Terms: This is not a course in philosophical speculation, nor is it concerned with precise terminology. It is concerned only with Atonement, or the correction of perception. The means of the Atonement is forgiveness.  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What Makes the World Seem Real?

What makes this world seem real except your own denial of the truth that lies beyond? What but your thoughts of misery and death obscure the perfect happiness and the eternal life your Father wills for you? And what could hide what cannot be concealed except illusion? What could keep from you what you already have except your choice to see it not, denying it is there?  ~J-Dog

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What is the Ego?

What is the ego? But a dream of what you really are. A thought you are apart form your Creator and a wish to be what He created not. It is a thing of madness, not reality at all. ~ J-Dog

Monday, April 1, 2013

Removing the Secret Guilt

No one who clings to one illusion can see himself as sinless, for he holds one error to himself as lovely still. And so he calls it "unforgivable," and makes it sin. How can he then give his forgiveness wholly, when he would not receive it for himself? For it is sure he would receive it wholly the instant that he gave it so. And thus his secret guilt would disappear, forgiven by himself. ~ J-Dog