Friday, May 31, 2013

A Course in Mind Training

The Course is about the healing of your unconscious guilt by the Holy Spirit and your return to Heaven through the dynamic of forgiveness, which harnesses the tremendous power of your mind's ability to choose. As J puts it, 'This is a course in mind training.' And, 'An untrained mind can accomplish nothing.'  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Forgiveness is Your Purpose

Forgiveness removes only the untrue, lifting the shadows from the world and carrying it, safe and sure within its gentleness, to the bright world of new and clean perception. There is your purpose NOW. And it is there that peace awaits you. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Using the World for Forgiveness and Salvation

As far as the Gnostic sects are concerned, they were right in believing that God did not create this excuse for a world, but they made the same error that almost everybody else does: They made the mis-created world psychologically real for themselves. They saw it as an evil to be despised. J, on the other hand, viewed the world as the Holy Spirit sees it: a perfect opportunity for forgiveness and salvation. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ask Not To Be Forgiven

Ask not to be forgiven, for this has already been accomplished. Ask, rather, to learn how to forgive, and to restore what always was to your unforgiving mind.  ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Monday, May 27, 2013

Be Grateful for Forgiveness

The Holy Spirit takes the very device that the ego made to protect itself and uses it to undo it. His devices can only be used for good. Don't worry about results that may or may not be seen on the level of form. Be grateful for what forgiveness and the Holy Spirit are doing for you. By forgiving your brothers and sisters, you are rejoining with what you really are. You're telling the world and the bodily images you see that their behavior can't have any effect on you, and if they can't have any effect on you, then they don't really exist separately from you. Thus, there is no separation of any kind in reality. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Forgiving Your Illusions

Resurrection has nothing to do with the body, and believing it does makes the body very important - the exact opposite of J's real message. As his Course clearly teaches you, 'Salvation is for the mind, and it is attained through peace. This is the only thing that can be saved and the only way to save it.' The Course also teaches that you attain this peace by forgiving your illusions. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Think Forgiveness

Think forgiveness; don't say it; forgiveness is done silently. Do the Course. Don't dumb it down. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you can just pray to God and everything will be hunky-dory. That's a myth. The Course says of the words, "I want the peace of God" :"To say these words is nothing. But to mean these words is everything." And, "To mean you want the peace of God is to renounce all dreams." Thus you demonstrate that you want the peace of God not with your words, but by your forgiveness.  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, May 24, 2013

The World is not Home

The world is not where you belong. You are a stranger here. But it is given you to find the means whereby the world no longer seems to be a prison house or jail for anyone. ~A Course in Miracles

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Special Hate Relationships

The reason some of your forgiveness lessons are so hard is because your unconscious mind remembers the bad relationship you had with the other person in a previous lifetime, so you’ve been set up to have tremendous unconscious resistance to forgiving them in this lifetime. Plus, there’s the resistance to giving up your personal identity that is always there, because the ego senses that if you practice forgiveness, then this is its end. Everyone has these past-life relationships, and the memories are unconscious. That’s why it’s so much harder to forgive your special hate relationships than your special love relationships.  ~ Your Immortal Reality

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Enlightenment or resurrection is waking up from the dream and recognizing the truth that has always been and always will be. And true forgiveness can't help but lead to this.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Filling the Emptiness

Everyone wants their life to have meaning, but they're looking for it in the wrong place - in the world. People feel a deep emptiness somewhere, and then they try to fill in the hole with some accomplishment or relationship on the level of form. Yet all of these things, by definition, are transitory at best. Thus you need to realize, as J counsels very early in the Text, 'A sense of separation from God is the only lack you really need correct.' ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Importance of Forgiveness

The ego has tricked you into thinking you're getting rid of your unconscious guilt when you project it onto others, by making them wrong, or condemning them or blaming certain circumstances for your problems or the world's problems, or whatever. Instead, what this really does is cause you to hang on to your unconscious guilt forever. Are you beginning to understand how important forgiveness is for you? ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Thought System of the Holy Spirit

Suicide bombers and other murderers may appear to be fearless, but their psychotic fear has merely been denied and projected outward. The appearance of peace is not always true inner peace, and it cannot be stated too often that the people of the world will never live in peace until they have inner peace, the inevitable result of true forgiveness. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The World is an Insignificant Dream

The world is just an insignificant dream, but if you don’t know the purpose of the dream and how to reinterpret the images you are seeing, then the general teaching that the world is an illusion is of very limited value. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   

Friday, May 17, 2013

Facing Your Unconscious Guilt

Not only do you have tremendous resistance to facing what you think is your awful guilt underneath the surface, but simultaneously, your ego is terrified that to do so successfully, and change your mind about it, would result in losing its identity as a separate individual. It’s going to take some will power on your part to admit to this thought system within yourself as you observe it in action, and then allow the Holy Spirit to undo it as you forgive the symbolic images of it that you see outside of you. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Holy Instant

The holy instant is simply that instant when you choose the Holy Spirit as your teacher instead of the ego. This happens anytime you choose forgiveness - thus acting in both you and your forgivee's best interest. Of course, the forgivee is really you; it just doesn't look that way. What you're really accomplishing is the forgiveness of the symbolic contents of your own mind. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Everything is Equally Forgivable

You’ve got to understand that if the Course is teaching there is no hierarchy of illusions, and if a miracle is a shift in perception where you switch over to the Holy Spirit’s script, then one miracle is no less important than another. So, it’s just as important to forgive a cold as it is to forgive a physical assault, and just as important to forgive a subtle insult as it is to forgive the death of a loved one.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


What is perceived as a tragedy can be forgiven just as quickly as you're willing to recognize that the separation from God never occurred, so it's only a dream and nobody's guilty - including you. 
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, May 13, 2013

Only One Correct Interpretation of the Course

If J meant for his Course to be subject to your interpretation rather than his instruction, then why give it in the first place? Why not just let you make up your own version of everything, which is exactly what you've been doing throughout your seemingly separate existence? The truth is that if you really understand A Course in Miracles, which is rare, then there is only one possible interpretation. If you change it, which is typical, then it is no longer A Course in Miracles. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Your Immortal Reality

Real spirit is whole and permanent. That's your immortal reality. So no matter what appears to be happening, including death and the in-between-life, the truth is that there are only two things to choose from, your reality with God, or anything else. Now all you've to got to do is use the mind to choose between God and anything else. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Your Deep, Hidden Guilt

You believe you really are guilty on a much deeper level than you realize. You need your defense because the alternative is unthinkable to your ego - that you might actually look upon your own guilt - the horror of which is presently covered over by the world. The ego has you convinced that to look upon the hideousness of this guilt is the equivalent of death. To avoid the viciousness that goes along with the entire can of worms, you project it outward, forgetting that what goes around comes around - because it never really left in the first place.  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, May 10, 2013

Nothing Holy Here

Your body, your world, and your universe are all responding simultaneously to the intentions of your mind. That's because there is actually only one thing, or one ego mind, that is the one thought of separation. Playing it out leads to all kinds of fascinating discoveries that serve, like a carrot and a stick, to keep you interested. Synchronicity, for example. That's just a symbol of the pseudo-oneness that always exists, even in the illusion. Remember, the ego wants you to think that the illusion is spiritual and that what it made is holy.   ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, May 9, 2013

End of Suffering

If nothing is outside of your mind, then to judge it is to grant it power over you, and to not judge it is to withdraw its power over you. This certainly contributes to the end of your suffering.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Mikey's Note: Like J says in the Course, "He who would not forgive must judge, for he must justify his failure to forgive."

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


It’s obvious that most people couldn’t completely forgive others if their life depended on it, and your REAL life DOES depend on it. Rather than simply pointing out that Jesus was able to forgive people even when they were killing him – while many of today’s Christians can’t even forgive people who have done nothing to them – it would be far more beneficial for you to ask how he was able to do that. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Abundant Willingness

When it comes to healing, sooner or later, it always comes down to some kind of forgiveness and how willing you are to do it. How willing are you to accept that it's all your dream? How willing are you to release your dream and choose God? You know, J plays a little trick on you in the Course. Most of the time he says it takes a little willingness. But that's not for advanced students. In the Manual for Teachers, he says it takes ABUNDANT willingness.   ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, May 6, 2013

Forgiveness Melts Snow

Each day that you forgive, the effects of all the world's mistakes are melted as snow into a burning fire.  ~ Your Immortal Reality

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Longing for Reality

The day will come when pain is impossible, love is everywhere, and truth is all there is. You've longed for this forever, often silently and without knowing it. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Home is Unchangable Spirit

The ego, or wrong mind, makes everything that appears to happen on the level of form. Spirit makes nothing happen on the level of form, which is why you shouldn't spiritualize events or objects in the universe. The right mind gives the Holy Spirit's interpretation of the level of form, leading you - and by you we mean that observatory part of the mind that has identified with and thus bound itself to the ego - back home. Home is unchangeable spirit. ~The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, May 3, 2013

Changing Your Mind, Not Your Behavior

You must change your mind, not your behavior, and this IS a matter of willingness. Correction belongs only at the level where change is possible. Change does not mean anything at the symptom level, where it cannot work. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Gradually Waking Up

Doing forgiveness will cause you to gradually wake up from the dream. If you woke up all at once I assure you it wouldn't be pleasant. You have to be prepared for a different form of life. Even in this life, where people think they are bodies, change is not really welcome - even if people want to pretend it is.  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

All Bodies Are Equally Illusory

It doesn't matter whether your body is healthy or not. It's not you. How can it matter unless it is you? Health and sickness are two sides of the same illusory coin. Neither one is true. 
~ The Disappearance of the Universe