Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Ego's Plan

As far as the ego's plan is concerned, your seemingly multiple problems show up in this world in an attempt to get you to react - to feel bad, guilty, mad, defeated, bored, scared, inferior, self-conscious, annoyed, lonely, or superior and condescending. It's all some kind of a judgment; you give validity to the ego's world and reinforce the seeming reality of the separation and everything that goes with it. 
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

God's Will for You

If God’s Will for you is complete peace and joy, unless you experience only this you must be refusing to acknowledge His Will. His Will does not vacillate, being changeless forever.
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Monday, July 29, 2013


Peace is an attribute IN you. You cannot find it outside.  ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Can God Be Reached Directly?

Can God be reached directly? God indeed can be reached directly, for there is no distance between Him and His Son. His awareness is in everyone's memory, and His Word is written on everyone's heart. Yet this awareness and this memory can arise across the threshold of recognition only where all barriers to truth have been removed. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Renouncing Your Mistaken Values

It's time to renounce the mistaken values that you have given the world and begin to take on the Holy Spirit's meaning for it instead. Its use for the world HAS meaning. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, July 26, 2013

Your Memory of God

The seeming interaction between you and God is really an interaction within your own unconscious split mind - between the part of you that has forgotten your reality and the part of your mind where the Holy Spirit dwells. He has never left you. His voice is your memory of God - your memory of your true home. This Voice represents your long-forgotten reality. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, July 25, 2013

You're Better Off

You often don't realize how much better off you are than you would have been if you didn't forgive. That's why you want to develop a trust for the Holy Spirit. It really does know what's best for you.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Where It's At

Forgiveness is where it's at the rest of your life if you're smart. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Fringe Benefits of Forgiveness

Forgiveness has its fringe benefits in the dream, some of which are not always obvious to you. For instance, let's say a man murders his wife, or a woman murders her husband. One of them is dead, and the other spends the rest of their life in prison or gets executed. But what if they had learned to forgive, and there was no killing? Would that change things on this level?  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, July 22, 2013

Becoming Like J

By listening to the Holy Spirit, you can become like J and be totally identified with Christ. As the Course says about your Helper, 'The Holy Spirit abides in the part of your mind that is part of the Christ Mind.' In one of the Course's references to the prodigal Son story, connecting the Holy Spirit to it, 'He seems to be a Guide through a far country, for you need that form of help.'  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Universe is Based on Separation

The ego's chaotic nature ensures that there will never be a unified theory of the universe that will hold up over time because the universe isn't really based on the thought of unity - it's based on the thought of separation and division. However, it includes fascinating and ingenious patterns that help to give it the illusion of unity. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Forgiving Your Memories

Since time isn't real and because memory is just as much of a perception as any other image - you can forgive a past event at any time, even if the person who is associated with your forgiveness is no longer seemingly living in a body.  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Rewards of God

I am teaching you to associate misery with the ego and joy with the spirit. You have taught yourself the opposite. You are still free to choose, but can you really want the rewards of the ego in the presence of the rewards of God? ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Holy Spirit's Guidance

Even though the Holy Spirit doesn't do anything in the world, His interpretation of the level of form can help you see more clearly what you should do here. That's just a fringe benefit of choosing Him as your Teacher, not the main reason, which is salvation. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

You're Not a Victim

If you know it's your dream, then there's a part of you that knows there's not really any such thing as injustice. You made it all up, and you got what you wanted for a reason. 
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Ego is Something to Forgive

We're going to take a brief look at the nature of the ego thought system, not to scare you, but just so you'll understand that although it may be ugly, it is not you. The way to get this is by looking at it with the Holy Spirit. The ego doesn't want you to look at it. The ego is afraid of your power to choose against it. If you're looking at it, then you must be doing it with the Holy Spirit. If you're joined with Him, then you're no longer in your wrong mind, but looking at things with your right mind. You're no longer an effect instead of a cause. You're no longer alone as a guilty individual, but reconnected to your Self. Look at the ego without judgment or fear. If it's not real, then it's not something to fear. But it is something to forgive. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Seek and Do Not Find!

The ego is a master illusionist, and one of the ways it diverts your attention, from the moment you're born, is by giving you problems. These problems are usually right in front of you, and the answers to these problems have to be found out there in the world and utilized. It doesn't matter if it's your own survival that's the problem or something as seemingly lofty as attaining world peace. The problems and the answers are always somewhere out there in the world or the universe. 

'The truth is out there,' says your generation. It doesn't matter if they're talking about extraterrestrials, or any of the ego's other substitute mysteries and problems. For the real truth is not out there - because the real problem is not out there there. But you keep looking out there, never realizing that, as the Course says about the ego: Its dictates, then, can be summed up simply as, 'Seek and do not find.'  
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Renouncing the Ego Thought System

If you are willing to renounce the role of guardian of your thought system and open it to me, I will correct it very gently and lead you back to God. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Friday, July 12, 2013

No Hierarchy of Illusions

Everything in your universe is set up to convince you of the uniqueness and reality of your body, and thus the validity of the ego's entire system. That's why the ego is always trying to make it look like God made the world, and have you continue to fear Him while also having Him be the alleged cause of your life.

Related to the fact that the ego wanted to take over God's job anyway, it WANTS you to spiritualize bodies, like J's even though it was meaningless to J- and it craves for you to spiritualize different places and objects. This makes some of them more special than others and thus ALL of them real. If God made the world and its bodies then YOU must be real. This legitimizes your alleged individual existence, and it also keeps you running away from your one real problem.

Most important it also keeps your attention away from the one real ANSWER to your problem - the Holy Spirit, who is NOT in the world but in you mind.  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Waking Up

What you are witnessing here is like an ego recording, and it's up to you when you want to listen to a different tune. The universe doesn't have to collapse onto itself in order to end. What has to happen is that everyone has to wake up, then the dream universe will simply disappear - because an insignificant dream was all it ever was.  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Understanding the Miracle

We’ve never said that A Course in Miracles is the only way to God, and we’ve never said that our words are the only way to A Course in Miracles. Ours is one approach. It’s for some people – not for everyone. Having said that, let me remind you that we’ve come here to help you save time. If you really want to know God, then we want you to find the way to your experience of the absolute truth as soon as possible. The Course teaches that “the miracle minimizes the need for time.” Our goal is to help you understand the miracle.  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Truth About You

The truth about you is so lofty that nothing unworthy of God is worthy of you.
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Monday, July 8, 2013

Dealing With What the Body's Eyes See

One way the Holy Spirit will awaken you is to teach you that what you THINK is happening is NOT happening. Reality is invisible and ANYTHING that can be perceived or observed in ANY way, even measured scientifically, is an illusion – just the opposite of what the world thinks.

But the Course is practical in more ways than one. You can use its thought system of true forgiveness to deal with what the body’s eyes are telling you, and you can do in such a way that allows you to function in society. Thus, while you are gradually learning that what you once thought of as sin, attack, guilt, and separation are really something else, you can still live a relatively normal earthly existence and be awakened slowly and gently from your dream. ~The Disappearance of the Universe

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Truth Will Shock You

Success in the world is about getting a lot of heads wagging in agreement, but the truth doesn't get people's heads wagging; it shocks them or at least gets them questioning a lot of things.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Your True Strength

While the Holy Spirit teaches you of your true strength, the ego tells you and all the macho men, and all the liberated women, that they have to be tough and learn how to kick ass in the rat race or someone else will get their cheese. All this does is prove how fearful they are, because if they weren't afraid then they wouldn't have to be tough. They're really calling out for love without knowing it.
 ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, July 5, 2013

Hold Nothing Against Anyone

There's not anybody out there to judge you, and what you really are can't be affected by what the world thinks. As the Course tells you, " ...You cannot be hurt, and do not want to show your brother anything except your wholeness. Show him that he cannot hurt you and hold nothing against him, or you hold it against yourself. This is the meaning of 'turning the other cheek.'"
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Holy Spirit is the Answer

The ego has tricked you into fighting a battle that is continuously seen outside yourself, where the thought system of sin, guilt, and fear is projected in a way that is certain to make sure this battle is always fought where the answer isn't. The answer, the Holy Spirit, remains within the split mind, along with the ego mind that is projecting the universe. Your job now is to stop fighting the battle where you can't win, and turn to the decision-making power of your mind, where the Holy Spirit is. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Forgiveness Restores Your Sanity

By releasing your mind from the imprisonment of your illusions, forgiveness restores your sanity. 
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Study Groups

Study groups are not about joining with individuals on the level of the world, but for the sake of forgiveness that becomes possible through the relationships and the examination of your own ego.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, July 1, 2013

What Will Satisfy You

It's only through disciplined application that the practitioner can enter the glorious phase of experience. And I guarantee you, dear brother, that experience is the only thing that will ever make you happy. Words will never do it; intellectual concepts, theology, philosophical speculation – forget it.

As J says in the Course, ‘…words are but symbols of symbols. They are thus twice removed from reality.’ And when you think about it, how is a symbol of a symbol ever going to make you happy? No. The only thing that will make you happy is the experience of what you really are. What will truly satisfy you is not a symbol of reality, but an experience of reality. ~ Your Immortal Reality