Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Happy Form of Spirituality

It’s possible to live the happy dream that Jesus talks about in A Course in Miracles. His Course is a happy form of spirituality. It’s not the suffering, morose, religious dogma that people are used to. In fact, it guarantees you a happy ending to this whole predicament you seem to find yourself in.
~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Friday, November 29, 2013

Gratitude for No Sorrow

Gratitude is a lesson hard to learn for those who look upon the world amiss. The most that they can do is see themselves as better off than others. And they try to be content because another seems to suffer more than they. How pitiful and deprecating are such thoughts! For who has cause for thanks while others have less cause? And who could suffer less because he sees another suffer more? Your gratitude is due to Him alone Who made all cause of sorrow disappear throughout the world. 
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Applying Forgiveness in Your Marriage

When something comes up to forgive, as it always does in a marriage, don’t forget what it’s for. If you use it as the Holy Spirit would have you use it, and think of the other person as being what they really are, then you’ll have a Holy relationship. ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Thursday, November 28, 2013

What Do You Value?

The values people have are rooted in the world, but the true value that everyone has is not of this world. 
~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

The Paradox of Time

The Course’s view of time is mind bending. That’s because time has a paradox. On the one hand, time is holographic. Everything happens all at once and, according to the Course, it’s already over. Past, present, and future occur simultaneously, as Einstein pointed out, and which the Course would agree with, except the Course would say it just appeared to occur.

Then, aside from the holographic model, there’s the false experience of linearity. By the way, the holographic model is false too, because ultimately time is just a separation idea.

~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

About Reincarnation

It’s wise to remember that even reincarnation is an illusion, because we never actually incarnate into a body. Our experience is what Einstein called an “optical delusion of consciousness.” Yes, it looks and feels like we’re in a body, but this is a trick of the ego, a false experience. The body is not real; it’s just a part of the same projection as the rest of the universe. ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

All About Going Home to God

There is no real life except in God. That life, which you will experience permanently in Heaven after you attain enlightenment, is eternal life, which has no opposite. You can experience real life at times even while you appear to be here in a body. But eventually you’ll return to life on a permanent basis through true forgiveness, which enables you to undo your ego and go home to God. Any spirituality that doesn’t teach you how to do that is going to take a long, long time.  ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

You Can Have a Free Mind

We’re not going to get into the fact that the IRS was created shortly after you switched to the Federal Reserve system, or the fact that the Federal Reserve is a private institution, not a government institution, and that it answers to no one! That’s beyond the scope of this discussion. But there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes than most people ever realize. You don’t have a democracy here. The people are puppets, and they act like puppets. You, however, can have a free mind, even if you don’t have a free county. ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Monday, November 25, 2013

Gary Renard is Too Radical for TV

Pursah talking to Gary:

If you teach the kind forgiveness that makes it real, then you’re not really teaching A Course in Miracles. How many Course teachers do you see out there – including the most famous ones who are on TV – talk about forgiveness, yet they never get into what real forgiveness is? That’s why they’re on TV, because they don’t go all the way with this. They still make it real. They’re safe. You’re not on TV because you do go all the way with it. You don’t make it real. You’re not safe. You tell the truth, and so you’re too radical for the pop spirituality crowd. Embrace that. Somebody’s got to do it.
~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sickness or Health: Neither is True

A truly spiritual attitude would be that there isn’t any difference between having a healthy body and a sick body. Why? Because neither one is true. Then why should you try to have a healthy body? The answer is why not? ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Billion Dollars

So if you get a billion dollars, you think it’s because you’ve used your mind to attract it, when the truth is it was just your turn. It would have happened anyway because that’s the way the script was written, and the way you thought and everything else that seemed to occur was part of the script. 
~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Friday, November 22, 2013

They Know Not What They Do

Once you’re enlightened, you’re enlightened, and will remain so, until you gently lay the body aside. When I say gently lay the body aside, that’s your experience, because you can’t feel any pain. At that point the cause of your death becomes meaningless – like J’s on the cross. People assumed it must have been horrible, but for him it was nothing. ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Do Things That Make Sense

The bottom line is that when it comes to your seeming existence here, you should do things that make sense. And eventually you’ll get to the point on your spiritual path where it doesn’t make any difference because by thinking those right-minded thoughts, you’ll get totally in touch with your experience of spirit all the time. But it’s a process. Allow yourself that process.  ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Laughter is of the Holy Spirit

Laughter is definitely of the Holy Spirit, as long as it’s not at someone else’s expense. Laughter helps you feel and experience that this world cannot be taken seriously. It’s too crazy! It’s worthy of laughter, not tears. Tears make it real and keep you stuck here.  ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Don't Worry About What People Think

Another thing that would help you would be to stop being concerned about what people think. Don’t forget when J said, “Forgive them Father, they know not what they do,” the reason they didn’t know what they were doing was because there were projecting their unconscious guilt onto him. But they didn’t know it. They just thought they were right. Of course, what they really were was insane. 
~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Monday, November 18, 2013

Free Will

The only free will we really have as prisoners in the illusion is the ability to choose the Holy Spirit, which frees us, instead of the ego, which imprisons us. If we choose to stay here, the outcome is always eventually death. But if we choose to go home, the outcome is eternal life. 
~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Experience Your Own Experience

Don’t worry about how you look to other people. If you care about how you look, then you’re making it real. Why is it always about how it looks? What if it didn’t matter what it looks like? Experience your own experience, not someone else’s. ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fake Forgiveness = Wasting Time

You can’t forgive people because they did it. That’s what the Course calls “Forgiveness to destroy.” Forgiving that way is a waste of time. Yet even though 99 percent of Course teachers tell people to forgive, they don’t teach people the kind of forgiveness that works. It doesn’t undo the ego. They make what is being forgiven real. They don’t have the gonads to tell people the world isn’t real.

But, as the Course is trying to teach them, because of the way that the mind works, when you make what you’re forgiving real, you do not free yourself. You tell your own unconscious mind that you are guilty! Anyone who does the Course and does not understand that and live it is costing themselves a great deal of time, and so are the ones who teach that way. ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Human Race Collapsing Time

All the predictions we made about the future in our first two series of visits, (in The Disappearance of the Universe and Your Immortal Reality) plus everything we say here, could possibly become null and void if the human race were to switch to another dimension of time.

If enough people practiced forgiveness, you could switch to a different scenario. And it would also be possible for the Holy Spirit to erase the old tape. Just as he Holy Spirit collapses time for an individual and renders that person further along in the overall scheme of thing.

~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Don't Deny Your Feelings

People shouldn’t pretend they’re immune to their feelings. Experience your feelings and practice forgiveness. In time the feeling will be one of peace.  ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Your Life is not Reality

Your path is to not be attached to the world. It’s all right that you live your life. You simply believe less and less in its reality as you continue to make the choice for holiness. By holding the reality of wholeness in the back of your mind while you go about your worldly functions, the experience of the reality of the false world is gradually undone. And as it’s undone, it’s naturally replaced with the experience of your true nature, which is eternal.  ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Taking Responsibility For Your Projections

True forgiveness releases people because they haven’t really done anything, because you’re the one who made them up in the first place. What you’re seeing is your projection of a universe of time and space. By taking responsibility for making it up, not in a bad way but in a powerful way, you’re coming from cause and not effect. This is the thought reversal that the Course is talking about. 
~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Monday, November 11, 2013

Takes Forgiveness to Undo Stupid

Sometimes you know something is stupid, and it doesn’t stop you. And when you learn the ego thought system is stupid, that doesn’t stop you from acting like an ego. It takes a lot of work and a lot of forgiveness. ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Sunday, November 10, 2013

What Happens When You Die?

Most people who are into spirituality assume that when the body passes away and they go to the so-called afterlife, they then make decisions and contracts and commitments as to how and what they’re going to do in their next incarnation. No! Those incarnations are already over. What they do is re-experience a movie that’s already been filmed.

Now, what people call the afterlife is actually an in-between life. It’s the period spent between one dream lifetime, the details of which had already been determined, and the next dream lifetime, the details of which have already been determined. The freedom, or free will, that exists for them during those dream lifetimes is the ability to choose the Holy Spirit’s interpretation of everything instead of the ego’s. Whether or not they do that and achieve real healing will determine the nature of their in-between lifetime experience, as well as which lifetime they will experience after that! 

~ Love Has Forgotten No: The Answer to Life

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Toys of the World

People today live better than royalty did 2000 years ago but they don’t appreciate it, which shows you that the toys of the world don’t make people truly happy. It may excite them temporarily, but it always fades. Still, if you undo the guilt in your mind, you can be joyous. You’ll also suffer less. Remember, and this cannot be emphasized enough, the Course says, “The guiltless mind cannot suffer.”  ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Friday, November 8, 2013

Not About Raising the Dead

The miracle (forgiveness) takes place in the mind, which is cause, and it shows up in the world, which is effect. Now you don’t have to raise the dead like J did in order to be enlightened. If everyone went around raising the dead, then nobody would ever die, and you’d all be stuck here forever.   ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Decide for Heaven

The Course says, “Heaven is the decision I must make.” So you’ve got to do it yourself. Make the decision that Heaven is where you’re going, and awakening as fast as you can through forgiveness is the way to get there. There’s nothing outside of you that will do that for you. There’s no reason to be happy, so be happy for no reason. ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Guided to Good Things

It’s not the goal of the Course to make anything happen in the world. But there’s an irony; if you’re undoing the ego and you have more access to spirit, it’s more likely for you to be guided to good things in the world. That’s not guaranteed, however. You look at J at the end of his life; things weren’t exactly going good. The point was it didn’t matter.  ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Forgiving the Same Things, Over and Over Again

Gary: Sometimes I just feel like I’m forgiving the same things, over and over again.

Pursah: That’s a common experience with the Course, and that’s when you need to trust the Holy Spirit. It may look like the same lesson, but it’s not the same guilt. Every single time you do this, the Holy Spirit is performing a healing and removing NEW unconscious guilt that is rising to the surface for the first time. This guilt is being healed at the level of the unconscious mind. You can’t see it, but there are no exceptions. Remember, even when you think nothing is happening, a miracle is never lost. 

~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Monday, November 4, 2013

Scarcity and Abundance

You can’t undo your experience of scarcity without undoing the idea of separation from God. As long as you’re experiencing separation, you’ll never really feel abundant. When you undo the experience of separation, you’ll never feel lack. You’ll feel abundant even if you’re broke. But with separation, you’ll feel scarcity even if you’re rich. ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Healing Depression

You can heal a majority of the depression in the world if you could train people to get a hold of the power of their mind and stop thinking the garbage they’ve been hanging on to their whole lives about other people, as well as themselves. You’ve got to break the pattern of thought and give them something to replace it with.  ~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Ego Cannot Prevail

You got to remember that every phase you go through with the Course is temporary. Your moods will swing as the ego tries to defend itself, but the ego cannot prevail against the Holy Spirit, and its attacks will eventually wither and die. It’s a done deal. 
~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Friday, November 1, 2013

Experiencing Your Perfection

If you undid the false you, which is the ego, then the real you would be all that's left. You don't have to struggle to be the real you. You don't have to evolve. The real you is already perfect. What needs to be done is to remove the barriers to the experience and the expression of that perfection. Incidentally, that perfection has nothing to do with anything in this world, but something that is not of this world.
~ Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life