Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Key is in Remembering

...Yet the body was not my reality, and there was a way out. As the Course very clearly advised me, "Be willing to forgive the Son of God for what he did not do." The key was in the remembering. I was improving at remembering that when someone pushed my buttons, the purpose of it was to see the stupidity that I thought true of myself for throwing away everything, or Heaven, in exchange for nothing, or death, in that person instead of me. The quicker I stopped reacting and forgave my brother or sister for what they didn't really do, the quicker my suffering ceased. ~ Gary Renard, Your Immortal Reality

Friday, December 30, 2016

God Knows not of the Tiny, Mad Idea

Gary: There are a couple of people who have suggested that the idea that God would let His child continue dreaming a nightmare is not very loving, and that He should wake His child up immediately. Also, the fact that He would let there be a "tiny, mad idea" is not particularly loving either. What do you think? 

Arten: The question overlooks what the Course is teaching and wants to make a statement that God knows about the tiny mad idea and His child dreaming, which He doesn't. If he DID, that would make it real. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Unchangeable as God Created You

When happenings get complicated, when your flight gets canceled, when someone is rude, when you’re running late and there’s a crowd waiting, when you feel like you don’t want to forgive one more thing, and you REALLY want a test to determine what is true and what is false, remember these words from J:
“As God created you, you must remain unchangeable, with transitory states by definition false. And that includes all shifts in feeling, alterations in conditions of the body and the mind; in all awareness and in all response. This it the all-inclusiveness which sets the truth apart from falsehood, and the false kept separate from the truth, as what it is.” ~ Your Immortal Reality

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Slippery Slope

You have Course teachers who make the Holy Spirit out to be like a real person acting on your behalf out in the world that the Course says doesn’t even exist, quickly taking the student’s attention away from where it should be, on the cause instead of the effect, and delaying the student’ progress. Then on top of that, it’s a slippery slope from making the world real to eventually ending up like Pat Robertson and telling everybody exactly how they should behave in that illusory world, or else.  ~ Your Immortal Reality

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Core of the Curriculum

To follow the Holy Spirit's guidance is to let yourself be absolved of guilt. It is the essence of the Atonement. It is the core of the curriculum. (The means of the Atonement is forgiveness.) ~ A Course in Miracles

Mikey' Note: Even though there are many people who present themselves as being teachers of A Course in Miracles, very few delve deep into the issue of guilt. This guilt, also known as "the blocks to the awareness of love's presence" is the sole focus of what needs to be undone through the application of true forgiveness. The Course couldn't be any more clear about that with this statement above. So put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Forgiveness isn't Easy

Gary: I never tell people it’s easy to forgive other people. In fact, it sucks because they don’t deserve it.

Pursah:That may appear to be true on the level of form, but after a while you catch onto the fact that YOU are the one who’s being forgiven every time you forgive others.
~ Love Has Forgotten No One:

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Don't Expect it to Work

There's been a lot of talk about creating a "Department of Peace" in the U.S. government. That's a nice thought. But diplomacy has been tried forever. Sure, it was good thought to have a League of Nations and a wonderful thought to have a United Nations, and it's a pretty thought to have a Department of Peace. There's nothing wrong with it. Just don't expect it to work. Any attempt to bring peace to the world IN the world will have only a temporarily helpful impact at best, because you're trying to solve the problem where it isn't instead of where it is. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Saturday, December 24, 2016

The Real God

God has nothing to do with this world, and the real God is not one of fear but one of Love. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Friday, December 23, 2016

The Irreverent Jesus

It's appropriate that you don't always take your spirituality so damn seriously. Many people today would be surprised at the irreverent humor J would occasionally display. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Seekers of Controversy

The seekers of controversy, and those who champion them, accomplish one thing and one thing only. They mange to distract potentially good students who otherwise would do the Course, get them to focus on the trees instead of the forest, and thus delay their experience of the truth.

If that's the desired vocation of these people, then they're welcome to it. But the truth is still there to be found by anyone who seeks clarification and is willing to use the technology of forgiveness. They will also find the experience that goes along with it, which is the goal of the Course.
~ Your Immortal Reality

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

God is not Responsible for the World

J says in the Course, " Death is the symbol of the fear of God. His love is blotted out in the idea, which holds it from awareness like a shield held to obscure the sun. The grimness of the symbol is enough to show it cannot co-exist with God. It holds an image of the Son of God in which he is "laid to rest" in devastation's arms, where worms wait to greet him and to last a little while by his destruction. Yet the worms as well are doomed to be destroyed as certainly. And so do all things live because of death. Devouring is nature's "law of life." God is insane, and fear alone is real."

As you can see, J doesn't hold back about the true nature of this world, and what it would say about God if He really were the one responsible for it. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

What is the Soul?

What some people think of as their soul that goes on after death is really a seemingly separated mind. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Monday, December 19, 2016

The Hero Ending the Belief in Forms

The hero of the dream will always have an end to his or her story, and that's all it is, a story. Of course, the hero will be back in another form, until you end your belief in all forms. Forgive, dear brother, and you'll have no use for the ego's dream of death. Exposing it, seeing it for what it is and forgiving it, will set you free. Listen to what J says here, "Death is the central dream from which all illusions stem. Is it not madness to think of life as being born, aging, losing vitality, and dying in the end?" ~ Your Immortal Reality

Sunday, December 18, 2016

No Easy Way Out

There ain't no easy way out. You've got to do your forgiveness work, or else you'll keep dreaming you come back until you finish your lessons and wake up for good. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Dreaming of Death

To wake up is to wake up completely. To sleep is to sleep. It doesn't matter if you're dreaming that you're alive or dreaming that you're dead. Neither one is true. As the Course says, "The retreat to death is not the end of conflict." ~ Your Immortal Reality

Friday, December 16, 2016

The Message of the Crucifixion

The message of the crucifixion is perfectly clear: Teach only love, for that is what you are.

If you interpret the crucifixion in any other way, you are using it as a weapon for assault rather than as the call for peace for which it was intended. The Apostles often misunderstood it, and for the same reason that anyone misunderstands it. Their own imperfect love made them vulnerable to projection, and out of their own fear they spoke o f the "wrath of God" as His retaliatory weapon. Nor could they speak of the crucifixion entirely without anger, because their sense of guilt had made them angry.

These are some of the examples of upside-down thinking in the New Testament, although its gospel is really only the message of love. If the Apostles had not felt guilty, they never could have quoted me as saying, "I come not to bring peace but a sword." This is clearly the opposite of everything I taught. Nor could they have described my reactions to Judas as they did, if they had really understood me. I could not have said, "Betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?" unless I believed in betrayal. The whole message of the crucifixion was simply that I did not.

The "punishment" I was said to have called forth upon Judas was a similar mistake. Judas was my brother and a Son of God, as much a part of the Sonship as myself. Was it likely that I would condemn him when I was ready to demonstrate that condemnation is impossible? 

~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Spiritual Jobs

Regarding spiritual job stuff, let’s say, for example, somebody’s an accountant and they don’t happen to think they have any particular spiritual gifts in this lifetime, not that accountants don’t have spiritual gifts, but let’s say this one didn’t think they did. Well, if they gave their ability of accounting over to the Holy Spirit and used it under His direction, wouldn’t that make it a spiritual gift? So a spiritual gift is something you give to the Holy Spirit. It doesn’t matter what the gift is. Then by definition, if you use it under His Guidance, it’s spiritual.

You can translate that to any job. Maybe for some, the Holy Spirit will want them to use their job to practice forgiveness. If they do, then it’s a spiritual job. It doesn’t matter what it is.

~ Your Immortal Reality

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Being Kind

I’ve heard great people, from the Dalai Lama to Ken Wapnick, stress the importance of being kind. I can see now what they mean. If how you look at other people says a lot about how you feel now, and also determines how you’ll feel about yourself in the future, you’re really doing yourself a favor by being kind and compassionate. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Protesting the War with the Holy Spirit

It’s interesting to watch peace activists and environmental activists. I know some peace activists who hate people. They’re out there protesting against the war, which is cool, but what it’s really about for them is getting their political opponents whom they hate, or the greedy corporate pigs who they think are exploiting everybody. But those corporate leaders are just people, like everybody else. Yeah, maybe they have an addiction to money, but almost everybody’s after something.

The interesting thing to me is, if you’re against the war thinking about how much you’re opposed to your political opponents, then you’re doing it with the ego as your teacher. But you could do exactly the same thing with the Holy Spirit as your teacher, and it would be a totally different experience.

From that perspective, it’s not about getting your political opponents or expressing your outrage at the powers that be. Now you’re protesting against the war as an expression of what you are, which is love, with the idea of having a more loving world. That’s a totally different place to be coming from. So it’s not what you do that matters. Either way you could be out on the street protesting. Nobody else would be able to tell what’s going on in your mind, but for you, it’s now about It’s not the form that matters; it’s the content. ~ Your Immortal Reality   

Monday, December 12, 2016

Without Guilt, You Enjoy it More

When I go to the movies I know it’s not real, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying it. And that’s what this world can be like. In fact, I’d say that if you have less unconscious guilt in your mind from practicing forgiveness, you can enjoy the world MORE. I mean I love listening to music today more than ever. So it’s not about giving up the beautiful art and the romantic sunsets. I think if you get in touch with your innocence, everything is more enjoyable, because you’re experiencing it with less guilt, and eventually with no guilt. ~ Gary Renard, Your Immortal Reality

Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Vanity of Romance

Romance is a vain attempt to fill an imagined emptiness – a hole that doesn't really exist, but that you experience as a result of the separation. That sense of lack can really only be healed by the Atonement and salvation, leading you to the wholeness of your oneness with God. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Forgiveness on the Internet

You may sometimes find that it's harder to forgive on the Internet than in person. That's because a lot of people have a tendency to speak more freely there, and they'll sometimes say things about you online that they would never say to someone in person.
And it won't just be hard to forgive someone who condemns YOU. You'll have to be careful about not dong it to others. Judging and condemning someone else on the Internet, which of course is the projection of unconscious guilt, is a temptation for everyone nowadays. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Friday, December 9, 2016

The Unreality of the Body

Everything is in your mind including your own body. The body is a mental experience and not physical one. At no single instant does the body exist at all. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe & A Course in Miracles

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Preparing for Heaven

Since you do have access to to the information about forgiveness that you are privileged to be learning now, you should trust that the Holy Spirit is doing His job to make you prepared for Heaven, and don't worry about how things appear on the surface. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Bridge the Gap

It may look like people aren't accepting your forgiveness. That doesn't matter. The Holy Spirit will hold your forgiveness in their minds until they'r ready to accept it. It doens't even matter if the person is still "alive" in the body or not. The Holy Spirit will bridge the gap that seems to be in-between the different aspects of your mind and make you whole again. 

For as the Course says about you and your forgivee, "The Holy Spirit is in both your minds, and He is One because there is no gap that separates His Oneness from Itself. The gap between your bodies matters not, for what is joined in Him is always one." ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

What Would You Have Him Be

A Course in Miracles states, "You who believe it easier to see your brother's body than his holiness, be sure you understand what made this judgment." What made it was the ego, and the Holy Spirit is now trying to get the part of your mind that chose the ego to choose once again. "Choose once again what you would have him be, remembering that every choice you make establishes your own identity as you will see it and believe it is." ~ Your Immortal Reality

Monday, December 5, 2016

Permanent vs Impermanent

What is immortal is permanent, and what is mortal is impermanent. The reason we talk about the disappearance of the universe is because when you wake up from a dream, the dream disappears. That's only possible because it was never real in the first place. Some people will think that means they're giving something up, but it's what you awaken TO that matters. 

The universe of time and space was impermanent. What you awaken to is permanent. Your immortal reality is something that's constant. It never shifts or wavers. What people need to get is how much better their real life is than the one they thought was their life. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Full Of It

Most of what the world thinks of as the wisdom of the ages is actually full of it.  The ‘divine intelligence of the universe’ is a phrase that’s entirely worthy of having the plug pulled on it.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, December 3, 2016

The Happy Dream isn't about Fixing up the World

Marianne Williamson says things like you have to fix up the world, and that's what turns it into a "happy dream," which isn't what A Course in Miracles means by that at all, but she puts the emphasis on fixing it up first and THEN you can be free of it. Well, NO. The happy dream doesn't have ANYTHING to do with what's going on in the world. When you reach a state like Jesus or Buddha you're having a happy dream because you're completely peaceful REGARDLESS of what appears to be happening in the world.

She's distracting people from the truth by putting their focus on the wrong place, the illusion, instead of on the right place, which is the decision in the mind to forgive what isn't really there. As the Course says, "When you try to bring truth to illusions, you are trying to make illusions real, and keep them by justifying your belief in them. But to give illusions to truth is to enable truth to tech that the illusions are unreal, and thus enable you to escape from them. ~ Gary Renard, Your Immortal Reality

Friday, December 2, 2016

Nothing Separate in Reality

I heard Marianne Williamson talking to someone who saw an apparition of a split mind who had gone on to the other side, and she said to the person who saw it, "That's reality." Well, according to A Course in Miracles, that's NOT reality. She's confusing people. It obscures the choice that needs to be made. Reality is perfect oneness with God, and nothing else exists - nothing that changes, nothing that appears separate. NOTHING.

I've also gotten e-mails from her where she tries to get people to take certain actions in the world, like stopping genocide, and she actually included a quote from Dante, the one that says, "There is a special place in hell reserved for those who, in time of moral crisis, remain neutral." I mean, talk about trying to get people to do something in the illusion by making them feel guilty! What does THAT have to do with A Course in Miracles? ~ Your Immortal Reality

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Forgiveness Undoes the Universe

The universe is your scapegoat. As J says in the Course, "That was the first projection of error outward. The world arose to hide it, and became the screen on which it was projected and drawn between you and the truth." 

Now your job becomes to undo it in your mind, so you can return home. Which brings up the one solution, forgiveness, to the one problem, separation. Forgiveness is way more important than most people think. It's vital that they stay focused on it. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

How the Ego Survives

The ego survives through the projection of unconscious guilt. It's never YOUR fault that you don't feel happy and peaceful, it's THEIR fault. You see it at work in relationships, whether individual or with countries. Unless they're one of your special loved ones, or an ally, it's always the other one's fault, and they're not even there! Not really, although it certainly looks and feels that way, which is testimony to how well you've been set up in the first place.

And even if you DO blame yourself, what is it that you're blaming? Just another body, because when you hold your hand up in front of your face and look at it, what is that? It's a body that's been projected. Of course you think it's a very special body because you think it's you, but it 's not. It's just one out of all of the bodies you've projected. That body you see when you look in the mirror is no more real than the other bodies you see in the mirror you call the world. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Time of Terror Took the Place of Love

In a world of duality, even the good times have to turn bad eventually, even if it's merely through death. That's because what's really going on here is the reliving of the separation from God over and over again in different forms. The way J puts it about your life is, " but relive the single instant when the time of terror took the place of love." ~ Your Immortal Reality

Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Fear of God

In this experience of consciousness, you feel terrible, and the ego is going to play on your fears. You think you've lost everything, and the ego is more than happy to make you think you've done something wrong. "You're in for it, man. God's very angry at what you've done." Now, if you've done something wrong, what's that but the idea of sin? And if you've sinned then that means you're guilty. And if you're guilty, that means that you're going to be punished. But on this metaphysical level you think you're going to be punished by God Himself!

That results in the fear of God, which you still have, even though it's unconscious to you. The terrible guilt in your mind over this is still buried there, but with the mind being holographic, the experience of the truth is still buried there as well. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Saturday, November 26, 2016

When Someone You Love Dies...

For most people, the experience that you are here seems very real, but to understand WHY that's the case, you have to go back to the metaphysical level, which is now unconscious to you. On that metaphysical level, before the universe of time and space was made, you feel an absolutely terrible loss, and experience it on a scale that you can't even begin to imagine now.

You also need to understand that before that, everything was perfect in your experience. You were totally taken care of, totally provided for, with no problems and nothing but ecstasy. The perfect joy of this cannot be translated into words, But now, with this idea of separation, it's as though you've made a major blunder. It's like you've lost God, which means it's like you've lost everything!

The only experience in this world that could come close to matching how you feel felt at that time of the original separation from God would be if the person you love most in this world died. What happens when that person dies? You're separate. You think you can never get them back. Of course that's not true because no one ever dies, but it feels and looks that way to you. It's really a symbol of the first separation being acted out in this world. And the original separation, which was from God on that metaphysical level, has you feeling terrible. ~Your Immortal Reality

Friday, November 25, 2016

Consciousness is Insignificant

A Course in Miracles says, "Consciousness, the level of perception, was the first split introduced into the mind after the separation, making the mind a perceiver rather than a creator. Consciousness is correctly identified as the domain of the ego." 

People think consciousness is really significant because we want what we made to be important. So we glorify it and measure it and attach specialness to it when it's really just a symbol of separation from our Source. It's separation, because in order to have consciousness, you have to have more than one thing. You have to have a subject and an object. You have to have something else to be conscious OF. That's where twoness came from to replace oneness. That's what makes the resulting symbolic illusory opposites, polarities, and dualities.

So from twoness springs forth multiplicity, but it's all symbolic of the original idea of separation. Multiplicity breeds chaos. But underneath it all there are basic ideas, and these ideas can only seem to be real when you experience yourself as being apart from oneness - for example, the ideas of scarcity and death. There can be no scarcity in fullness, but once you have ideas like separation and opposites, then you have the possibility of all kinds of weird things showing up. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Thursday, November 24, 2016

God Doesn't Respond to the Dream

Let's say you have God, and God is perfect oneness. There isn't anything else. God creates, but what He creates is exactly the same as He is. It's a sharing of perfect oneness that's beyond anything you can understand with a mind that isn't whole. Yet the experience of it is so great that it's totally awesome. Then there's this thought that seems to occur. It's a meaningless thought that's over in just an instant. It's totally insignificant. It's a separation thought like, "What would it be like fore me to go off and create on my own?" That idea implies an individual existence.

But God doesn't respond to it. He's no fool and keeps reality perfect and one, but that thought of separation makes something different appear to happen in YOUR experience. Now here's the hard part: it doesn't REALLY happen. It only appears to. Just like it's possible for a dream you have at night to seem totally real, this dreams may also seem totally real, but it's not. In fact, other parts of the dream are made to seem less real so you'll think that the most clear part of the dream IS real. That's a function of levels, which can't even exist in perfect oneness. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Real Love

It's easy to forgive your special love relationships - your family, friends, and lovers - just because you love them. On the other hand, your special hate relationships, the people you don't like, well, you're never gonna forgive those bastards because they don't deserve it. But you think the people you love deserve only good. So even if a member of your family killed somebody, you'll be right there in the courtroom, rooting for them to get off. Yet REAL love and forgiveness wouldn't exclude anyone. They apply to everyone. They're not special but universal. The wholeness of them is what makes them real.   ~ Your Immortal Reality

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Switching Roles from Lifetime to Lifetime

You've got to remember that the unconscious mind knows everything. It knows every relationship you've ever had, in any lifetime. You should also consider that the lifetimes you appear to go through are like a dance in which you play the role of victim in one lifetime and victimizer in the next. So a murderer in this lifetime gets murdered in the next one, sometimes by the same person whom they killed in the other lifetime. That's true with actions as well as occupations. A minister in this lifetime may be a prostitute in the next, and vice versa. In fact, the prostitute J saved from being stoned to death had helped J in a lifetime previous to that. You're always switching roles. You may be a police officer in one of your dream lifetimes and then a criminal in the next. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Monday, November 21, 2016

Forgiving Horrific Images

I was leading an intensive workshop at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York. A great guy named Joe, who was a Vietnam veteran, told me how the book The Disappearance of the Universe (or “D.U.,” as it’s affectionately called by many of its readers) had led him to A Course in Miracles. Because of D.U., Joe was able to understand and apply the Course’s teachings to his life. That in turn had empowered him to be able to forgive the horrific things he saw in Vietnam. It also put an end to the decades of nightmares that had followed. Joe said he wanted to share the book with other Vietnam vets. ~ Gary R Renard, Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life

Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Words Haven't Changed

You’ve no doubt had the experience of reading a paragraph in the Course that you know you’ve read before, but it’s like you’re seeing it for the first time. This also happens when people reread The Disappearance of the Universe. They know they’ve seen the words before, but they’re getting in on a completely different level. The words haven’t changed, but they have. The ego has been undone a little bit more. And now they’re seeing the words from a different place.  ~ Your Immortal Reality

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Making Good Progress

As long as you forgive, you’ll make good progress. The time you delay forgiveness simply contributes to your own suffering!    ~ Your Immortal Reality

Friday, November 18, 2016

You are not Guilty

This world is a picture of the Crucifixion of God's Son. And until you realize that God's Son cannot be crucified, this is the world you will see. Yet you will not realize this until you accept the eternal fact that God's Son is not guilty. ~ J-Dog: The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Peace and Guilt

Peace and guilt are antithetical, and the Father can be remembered only in peace. Love and guilt cannot coexist, and to accept one is to deny the other. ~ J-Dog: The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Made Mad By Guilt

The world you see is the delusional system of those made mad by guilt. Look carefully at this world, and you will realize that this is so. For this world is the symbol of punishment, and all the laws that seem to govern it are the laws of death. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Changeless and Perfect

God is changeless, perfect, and eternal. And God is synonymous with spirit, because nothing He makes would be any different from Him, or else it wouldn't be perfect. And if God could make anything that wasn't perfect, then He Himself wouldn't be perfect either, would He? And spirit doesn't have to evolve, or else it wouldn't be perfect. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Monday, November 14, 2016

The Tiny, Mad Idea

It's important to remember to laugh. Remember what J says in the Course, "Into eternity, where all is one, there crept a tiny, mad idea, at which the Son of God remembered not to laugh." And of course that tiny mad idea is the thought that we could have an individual identity and be separate from God. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Accomplishing Nothing

At one point in A Course in Miracles, J is talking about all the difficult questions people have, and he makes the remarkable statement, "...there is no answer; only an experience. Seek only this, and do not let theology delay you." 

That experience comes as a result of allowing your mind to be trained by the Holy Spirit to think and see others as He does. As J also says in His Course, "An untrained mind can accomplish nothing." That's quite a statement, because it's saying that 99.9 percent of all the people on the earth are accomplishing nothing. Until the mind is trained, you're just spinning your wheels. ~Your Immortal Reality

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Tapped on the Shoulder

Pursah: We've come back to tap people on the shoulder, so to speak. Although for some it may seem like getting tapped on the shoulder with a sledgehammer. There's an important reason for that. We want to help keep people focused. It's by applying advanced, or quantum, forgiveness that you can most quickly experience your immortal reality. We are here to instruct you on how to break the cycle of birth and death, once and for all.

Gary: Is that all? I was hoping I could learn how to measure my consciousness.

Arten: You're being facetious. But what you just said is one of the reasons we're here. People are being distracted by things that may seem fascinating to them but are really only there to take their attention away from what's important, and instead put it on things that will keep them stuck here. 

~ Your Immortal Reality

Friday, November 11, 2016

...When the Universe Disappears

Don't ever forget this forgiveness thought process:

You're not really there. If I think you are guilty or the cause of the problem, and if I made you up, then the imagined guilt and fear must be in me. Since the separation form God never occurred, I forgive "both" of us for what we haven't really done. Now there is only innocence, and I join with the Holy Spirit in peace. 

That is the way the Holy Spirit wants you to think on this level in order to help Him bring you to where levels do not exist. In fact, you will not even recall the concept of levels when the universe disappears and you return home.

As the Course says, "You will not remember change and shift in Heaven. You have need of contrast only here. Contrast and differences are necessary teaching aids, for by them you learn what to avoid and what to seek. When you have learned this, you will find the answer that makes the need for any differences disappear." ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Your Forgiveness is Vital

Choose between the strength of Christ and the ego's weakness. The world is asleep. Save time in your awakening and you can't help bu assist others on the level of the mind. You don't usually see what your forgiveness is accomplishing, but I assure you it's vital, and the Holy Spirit's plan cannot be complete without you. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe​

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Undoing of Guilt

The undoing of guilt is an essential part of the Holy Spirit's teaching. For as long as you feel guilty you are listening to the voice of the ego, which tells you that you have been treacherous to God and therefore deserve death.   ~ J-Dog: The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Upside-down Thinking in the New Testament

The message of the crucifixion is perfectly clear: Teach only love, for that is what you are. If you interpret the crucifixion in any other way, you are using it as a weapon for assault rather than as the call for peace for which it was intended. The Apostles often misunderstood it, and for the same reason that anyone misunderstands it. Their own imperfect love made them vulnerable to projection, and out of their own fear they spoke of the "wrath of God" as His retaliatory weapon. Nor could they speak of the crucifixion entirely without anger, because their sense of guilt had made them angry. These are some of the examples of upside-down thinking in the New Testament.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Case Dismissed

You need not fear the Higher Court will condemn you. It will merely dismiss the case against you. There can be no case against a child of God, and every witness to guilt in God's creations is bearing false witness to God Himself. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Sunday, November 6, 2016

A Successful Relationship

A successful relationship is one where you are forgiving, or have forgiven, the other person. That’s what it takes to transform it into a holy relationship, and that’s all it takes, whether it’s professional or personal, it doesn’t matter who it is or what it looks like. Even if the relationship appears to be a bad one and things are terrible on the level of form, it doesn’t matter. 

As J puts it in the Course, "Those who are to meet will meet, because together they have the potential for a holy relationship. They are ready for each other." And, "The holiest of all the spots on earth is where an ancient hatred has become a present love." ~ Your Immortal Reality

Saturday, November 5, 2016

This Need not Be

When you feel guilty, remember that the ego has indeed violated the laws of God, but YOU have not. Leave the "sins" of the ego to me. That is what Atonement is for. But until you change your mind about those whom your ego has hurt, the Atonement cannot release you. While you feel guilty your ego is in command, because only the ego can experience guilt. THIS NEED NOT BE. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Friday, November 4, 2016

How Can You Suffer?

How can you who are so holy suffer? All your past except its beauty is gone, and nothing is left but a blessing. I have saved all your kindnesses and every loving thought you ever had. I have purified them of the errors that hid their light, and kept them for you in their own perfect radiance. They are beyond destruction and beyond guilt. They came from the Holy Spirit within you, and we know what God creates is eternal. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Thursday, November 3, 2016

No Guilt in Heaven

In Heaven, there is no guilt, because the Kingdom is attained through the Atonement, which releases you to create. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Ego is the Symbol of Separation and Guilt

If the ego is the symbol of the separation, it is also the symbol of guilt. Guilt is more than merely not of God. It is the symbol of attack on God. This is a totally meaningless concept except to the ego, but do not underestimate the power of the ego's belief in it. This is the belief from which all guilt really stems. 
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Ego Believes in Division

The ego is the part of the mind that believes in division. How could part of God detach itself without believing it is attacking Him? We spoke before of the authority problem as based on the concept of usurping God's power. The ego believes that this is what you did because it believes that it IS you. 
~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Monday, October 31, 2016

Guilt and the Ego Go Hand in Hand

If you identify with the ego, you must perceive yourself as guilty. Whenever you respond to your ego you will experience guilt, and you will fear punishment. The ego is quite literally a fearful thought. However ridiculous the idea of attacking God may be to the sane mind, never forget that the ego is not sane. It represents a delusional system, and speaks for it. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Ego's Voice

Listening to the ego's voice means that you believe it is possible to attack God, and that a part of Him has been torn away by you. Fear of retaliation from without follows, because the severity of the guilt is so acute that it must be projected. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Dethrone the Ego

Whatever you accept into your mind has reality for you. It is your acceptance of it that makes it real. If you enthrone the ego in your mind, you're allowing it to enter makes it your reality. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Friday, October 28, 2016

Think Like God

You must learn to think with God. To think with Him is to think like Him. This engenders joy, not guilt, because it is natural. Guilt is a sure sign that your thinking is unnatural. Unnatural thinking will always be attended with guilt, because it is the belief in sin. ~ J-Dog, The Voice of A Course in Miracles

Thursday, October 27, 2016

How Will the World End? E-N-D

There's a really big mis-perception that has been slowly creeping into the Course in Miracles community the last couple of years. And that is that somehow, in the end, that the world is going to continue, we're still going to maintain our individuality, we're going to be like light beings, because everything's going to be forgiven, we're going to go around seeing Spirit everywhere. People will still retain that individuality, and personal existence, which is really just a separation idea, and really just an attempt by people to an individual identity and to be immortal as some kind of body. And that is NOT what the Course is teaching.

In fact, from the Manual from Teachers, question #14, "How will the world end?" NOT how the world will seem to go on with everyone maintaining some kind of form. The question is how will the world END? E-N-D, OVER! It says, "The world will end when its thought system has been completely reversed." ~ Gary R Renard via YouTube Interview

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Politics and Voting

One thing I can guarantee you about politics is that it will always be consistent. No matter what side you're on, the other side will always be there right in your face. That doesn't mean you shouldn't continue to vote as a way of registering your opinion. Most Americans, while claiming to be patriotic, don't even bother to do that. But you should vote, forgive, and have THAT be your real contribution to politics. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

The Natural Occurrence of Inspiration

What if your Source cannot change or fail? Then you're putting your faith where faith is justified. Now you can see your transitory careers and endeavors as simply tools that can be used as symbolic expressions of your constant supply. Now your Source becomes a bottomless well where you can go for guidance that will always come in some form of inspiration.

If your tool happens to break, so what? You don't have to be attached to it because it's not your Source. If your Source is constant, then one tool can be easily and quickly replaced by another one - through the very natural occurrence of inspiration. You can relax knowing that you CAN'T lose your Source. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Which Would You Rather Have as Your Source

If the illusory universe is in perpetual change and God is changeless and eternal, which would you rather have as your source? Your problem of scarcity, which is symbolic of the thought of separation, is amplified by the fact that you are putting your faith in something that can't be counted on. If you see your source of supply as being something in this world, for example your career, a specific job or your own abilities, then when something changes - as it always does in this world - you could be out in the cold. An illusory source can be lost. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, October 24, 2016

There is No Death

The ego makes bodies, which was really done all at once, but in time they appear to be separate. Bodily images are projections; guilt and fear make them seem solid, then the script is set up to make it look  like bodies are the function of a natural process. Death becomes as natural as life, yet there is no death. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Everything is Equally Illusory

Remember that everything is EQUALLY illusory. It doesn't matter if it's as big as a galaxy or as small as a neutrino. It doesn't even matter if it's civilization destroying itself. It's all the same. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Tools for Your Career

Everyone's idols and tools they use to try to attain their dreams are not real. Don't forget, it doesn't mean you can't use illusions inside the illusion, however you see fit. There's nothing wrong with magic that's used at the same time as forgiveness, and that would apply to the tools for whatever career you've chosen. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, October 21, 2016

How Will Violence End Permanently?

Each person on all sides must be willing to forgive the so-called evil that they PERCEIVE as being in their enemies, who do not really exist any more than they do. The world's inhabitants must heal their relationships and undo their unconscious guilt before violence will ever end permanently. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Ego's Voice is an Hallucination

Gary: Why the hell would a part of Christ ever want to separate from God if everything was completely perfect?

Arten Is it really a question or is it a statement? Aren't you saying that the separation from God really occurred? You can't ask how the separation could have happened unless you believe it did. Yet we have already said the principle of the Atonement is that it DIDN'T. Then you ask how Christ could have possibly chosen with the ego when we have already said it wasn't Christ, but an illusory consciousness that appeared to do so.

You will NEVER get answer within the ego framework to that kind of a question that will satisfy you intellectually. As the Course says, "The ego's voice is an hallucination. You cannot expect it to say, 'I am not real.' Yet you are not asked to dispel your hallucinations alone." 

~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Big Bang

It's true that the Big Bang symbolized separation, but what you should remember is that on the level of form it was so tremendous it rendered an unfathomable force of energy. This in turn predetermined ALL physical laws and the fate of every cell and molecule, how each one would evolve and which direction they would go in. When we say the movie has already been filmed, we're saying that everything that would seemingly occur was already set in motion at that instant, and in fact couldn't really occur any other way. All the different dimensions and scenarios are simply symbolic of different big bangs within the Big Bang that occurred at that same instant. Even though it was all over immediately, you will have to wake up in order to recognize reality.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Don't Tolerate Mind Wandering

Gary: I get the importance of the structured thought system and how it works. Some people resist the idea of having their mind trained because they're afraid it means being brainwashed or tricked into giving up their independent thinking.

Arten: If they want brainwashing, they can always join a cult, but as long as they stick to the Course as a self-study method, they'll realize that it's their OWN power of decision that's being utilized, not given up. Besides, in their present condition they've actually already been brainwashed by the ego, and will remain so until they reclaim their minds. As the Course explains about the need for training, "You are much too tolerant of ind wandering, and are passively condoning your mind's mis-creations." ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, October 17, 2016

The Course's Thought System is Essential

God wills that His Son be wakened gently, but you have to realize that your mind must contemplate an idea at least a dozen times or so before it really starts to sink in. While it may be your mind that thinks and sees and hears, not your body, that means it's also your mind, under the dominance of the ego, that REFUSES to really think and see and hear right-minded ideas - no matter what their form. That's why the thought system of the Course is essential when it comes to gradually peeling away the layers of your ego through the use of interconnected principles that continuously support each other and become dominant over the wrong-minded way of looking at the great projection. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Simplicity of Salvation

No matter how big the job may SEEM to be, and no matter how many dimensions of time there are, or alternate universes with their own dimensions, there is still that same simplicity that you can never really escape: Your salvation always comes down to a decision you are making right NOW. There's no getting away from that. No matter what appears to be going on for you, the choice is really very simple and immediate. Whenever you remember that, you'll know which interpretation of the dream you should listen to. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, October 15, 2016

It's Only a Story

Time SEEMS to have a future sill unknown to you, but it's really already done. You can't change the ego's script; all you can do is switch over to the Holy Spirit's interpretation - which IS His script. That's why Jesus said 2,000 years ago, "Who among you by worrying can add one minute to your life?"

The truth is, the story of your life - and it's ONLY a story - has already been written. Talk about a story, you're not even really watching it here! You think you are, but you're really reviewing it mentally at the level of the mind. Once again you're the part of the mind that observes and chooses while the dream movie was caused by the first choices you made with the ego.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, October 14, 2016

The World Has Never Been at All

Jesus connects the concept of oneness to the two words that express the absolute truth, "God is," and then connects it to the subject of time by saying, "It returns the mind into the endless present, where the past and future cannot be conceived." And, "The world has never been at all. Eternity remains constant state." ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, October 13, 2016

You've Got to Choose

You can't have both time and eternity. You've got to choose. As J says in the Course, "There is no part of Heaven you can take and weave into illusions. Nor is there one illusion you can enter heaven with." ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The World Does Nothing to Him

Once the patient or the healer accepts the Holy Spirit's forgiveness, then this is his attitude, "The world does nothing to him. He only thought it did. Not does he do anything to the world, because he was mistaken about what it is. Herein is the release from guilt and sickness both, for they are one." 

It's an advanced variation on forgiveness, but still the same. Within that forgiving shift in perception lies your own freedom, as well as that of your brothers and sisters. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Disappear into the Heart of God

Love and forgiveness; that's what J was all about - always. Forgive your brothers and sisters, for you are one - and thus are you made whole again. As J says in the Course, "...Now is he redeemed. And as he sees the gate of Heaven stand open before him, he will enter in and disappear into the Heart of God."  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, October 10, 2016


No matter how sick the crime, the criminal is just a convenient scapegoat we use to see our unconscious guilt as outside us. That would mean we have to forgive him for what he didn't really do if WE are to be free.  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Beginnings and Endings

The body's eyes see nothing, and you're really just experiencing your own movie. And it doesn't matter if you like the ending or not, because it's NEVER really the ending - just a new beginning until there's no need for any more beginnings or endings. When that time comes, they'll be nothing but true joy - and Heaven's seeming opposite will disappear. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Unconscious Guilt: The Root of Suicide

Arten: The ego doesn't want to look at the issue of unconscious guilt, which is the real cause of suicide. The ego runs away from looking at it as fast as possible. 

In Japan, there are groups of teenagers who meet on the Internet, go out in vans, and kill themselves together. That has also spread a little bit to Europe. I suppose you can image how parents in America would react to that kind of a situation.

Gary: Yeah, First they'd freak out, then they'd put more people on drugs. It's amazing how Americans don't have any problem with drugs as long as the right people are making money from them. The corporations and the government they run have everybody brainwashed. But I digress.

Pursah: Remember, some of these drugs are necessary as a temporary measure for people. Not many can tolerate being healed all at once. That could be too threatening to their ego. Then feeling threatened, the ego could go ballistic and find another way to hurt them, perhaps a worse way.

Don't forget that the nature of duality is that you have good and bad. Yes, the corporations have people brainwashed. People vote against themselves in your country. But at the same time there are a lot of new medicines that help people, especially older people, to not suffer the way they used to. Your parents could have used some of the medicines they have today. Their lives would have been more comfortable and less painful. They weren't quite ready to accept that it's all done by the mind. Don't just look for the bad. You don't want to be cynical. You want to be love.   

~ Your Immortal Reality

Friday, October 7, 2016

The Experience of Revelation

Although the experience of revelation can never be translated into words, there is one quality of it that is so unique it clings to the memory. It happens in an instant where one is given an experience of being outside time and space, and even beyond that. You become one with something so big it's beyond size. The clearest quality of it that's completely unlike anything of this universe is that it is CONSTANT. There is no change or interruption in its limitless power; it doesn't shift or waver. It gives you a taste of something that can be relied upon; something real - the joy of which is beyond belief. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe