Wednesday, February 28, 2018

In Competition for Hearts and Minds

J taught pure non-dualism, interpreted by the world as dualism. The Vedanta was non-dualism, interpreted by the world as dualism. Today, you have two huge religions that are controlled by a reactionary majority, both of which are in competition for the hearts and minds of a world that isn't there - one religion being the symbol of an empire based on money, and the the other religion being the symbol of a government that could possibly engage in nuclear war along with its next-door, equally reactionary Muslim neighbor. Such antics may be good enough for most of the planet, but they don't have to be good enough for you. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Your Attitude is What Matters

It doesn't matter what actions you take or don't take in the world - although your way of seeing and the attitude you maintain while engaging in any action DOES matter. Of course, as long as you appear to exist within the world of multiplicity, you will have some temporary earthly concerns, and you shouldn't ignore your earthly needs. The Holy Spirit isn't stupid. Your experience is that you are here. There is a way to go through life doing many of the same things you'd do anyway, but now you won't do them alone. And thus you will learn that you are never alone. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, February 26, 2018

Duality is a Myth

Duality is a myth. There is no universe. Without you to perceive it, the universe is not here, but logic would have to dictate that if the universe is not here, then you are also not here. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Money and Success are not Spiritual

You have no idea how uninspired it is that people, including your spiritual leaders, are always trying to spiritualize abundance in the world. How much success or money you get has nothing whatsoever to do with how spiritually enlightened you are. They are like apples an oranges. That loaves and fishes story was supposed to be symbolic! It didn't actually happen. It means there is a way for you to receive guidance as to how you should proceed in the world. But stop trying to spiritualize money. There's nothing wrong with money or success, but there's nothing spiritual about them either. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Body is a Projection of the Mind

It's the mind that projects every body, including yours. We're not talking about that tiny little mind you identify with. We're referring to the entire mind that is outside of time, space, and form. This is the mind Buddha got in touch with, although people don't realize that it is still one important step away from joining with God. This mind made the entire universe, each body and every form that appears to be in it. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, February 23, 2018


During most of our visits it will appear to you that we are making judgments, a lot of them. There's a good reason for that. The only possible way we can teach you is by contrasting the Holy Spirit's thinking with the thinking of the world. His judgment is sound, and leads to God. Your judgment is poor, and leads you back here, again and again. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Work to Do

Most of what the world thinks of as the wisdom of the ages is actually full of it.  The ‘divine intelligence of the universe’ is a phrase that’s entirely worthy of having the plug pulled on it. Babies are not born with a clean slate or a natural tendency to focus on love and then are corrupted by the world. If you are to return to God then you have some work to do, not work in the world, but with your thoughts. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The More Things Change...

J is outside the door of the asylum, calling you to come out and join him, and you keep trying to drag him back in. That was the case with the world two thousand years ago and it remains the case today. The person who first said that the more things change the more they stay the same hit the universal nail right on the the holographic head. But there is a way out, and that's what should be encouraging to you. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Never-Never Land

There are many in your generation who imagine they are just about ready to vibrate off the planet for good. Unfortunately, it's not that easy. If you could just zap yourself off to never-never land then everybody would already be experiencing the Kingdom. But your experience is that you are here, or else you wouldn't be experiencing that you ARE here. And there's a big problem holding your friends back that the popular New Age authors didn't tell them about. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, February 19, 2018

Idea of Separation

The number one reason why the thinking of the world and the thinking of J are mutually exclusive is because J’s reality was not the body, and the world’s thinking is completely based upon an identification with the body as your reality.  Even those of you who glance past the body still maintain the idea of an individual existence, which is actually little different than having a body.  In fact, it is with this idea of separation, and all that arises from it, that you sentence yourself to continue in the universe of bodies. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Time to Take Your Power Back

The dream is not being dreamed by somebody else. There is nobody else; only the projection. If anyone or anything in this world has the power to hurt you, it’s because you’ve given it that power. Now it’s time to take that power back, and put the power of belief where it belongs; in God. Over time, this changes everything. The Course says, “Miracles are habits.” Your mind is being retrained to forgive instead of judge. ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other   

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Behold the Great Projection!

In A Course in Miracles, the “miracle” is the kind of forgiveness that comes from a place of cause and not effect; the kind of forgiveness where you stop being a victim and start being responsible for your own projection. Native Americans have often said, “Behold the great mystery.” A Course in Miracles says, “Behold the great projection,”because that’s all the universe of time and space is. As some disciplines have taught for thousands of years, it’s all an illusion. You may not be able to see where the projection is coming from, but you can undo any effects the projection has on you by withdrawing your belief in it, which gives it power over you. ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

Friday, February 16, 2018

Manifesting Like Hell

The teaching that the world and the universe are an illusion is thousands of years old, but the Course refines that teaching into the idea that this world is a dream that you will awaken from, and it’s that awakening that is enlightenment. This is what Buddha meant when he said, “I am awake.” Today, most spiritual students think that when Buddha said, “I am awake,” he meant he felt amazingly alert and ready to manifest like hell. Indeed, that’s what passes for enlightenment in most of the spirituality of today.

But Buddha didn’t mean he was more awake IN the dream, he meant he had awakened FROM the dream. And that’s not just a minor distinction. It’s everything. Buddha realized that he was not the dream, but the dreamer. He was not actually in the dream at all. The dream was coming from him, and he was not an effect of it, but the cause of it. ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Forgiveness Undoes the Ego

How do you play your part in undoing the ego? This is achieved through a certain kind of forgiveness, but not the kind of forgiveness that most of the people in the world think of, if they think of forgiveness at all. The traditional form of forgiveness makes the illusory world real to your mind, thus keeping it, and the ego intact in your mind. But true forgiveness does not make the illusory world real, and does not keep it and the ego, intact. ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The World Cannot Hurt You

You can get to the point where the world cannot hurt you. As the Course says about the Holy Spirit’s form of forgiveness, “It denies the ability of anything not of God to affect you. This is the proper use of denial.” By being at cause instead of effect, you are reversing the thinking of the world. Now forgiveness is justified. If all of this is real then forgiveness is not justified. But if it’s your projection, forgiveness is totally justified. The more you get used to looking at the world as not coming at you, but coming from you, the more impossible it becomes to react to it the way you used to, and the more you realize that you’re dreaming. ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Words Won't Do It

While you appear to be here in a body it’s possible to experience the real you. And spiritual experience is very important. In fact, it’s the only thing that will ever make you happy. Words won’t do it; my words won’t do it. As the Course says, “Words are but symbols of symbols. They are thus twice removed from reality.”

And when you think of it, how is a symbol of a symbol ever going to make you happy? How’s it ever going to make you feel full, whole, complete, and satisfied? Even a description of the reality of the world of God won’t do that. It’s still just words. But an experience of reality, an experience of what you really are and where you really are will make you happy, because it is full, and whole, and complete, and satisfying. 
~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

Monday, February 12, 2018

Ingenious Repetition

Part of the style of A Course in Miracles is ingenious repetition. It would be impossible to learn the Course without being exposed to its ideas over and over again. This is how the thought system is learned, which makes the Course’s brand of true forgiveness possible. Repetition is not only acceptable in teaching and learning the Course, it’s mandatory. The approach of the Course is to undo the false you that is referred to as the ego, thus leading to the experience of your Divinity. ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

Sunday, February 11, 2018

You Can't Lose with the Truth

Remember, the Holy Spirit knows your value was established by God, not the world. In this all are equal. The next time you’re tempted to get down on yourself, feel unworthy, or get discouraged, remember us, remember J, remember the Holy Spirit, and remember God. Once you get up to the level of Spirit, we are all the Holy Spirit, for we are the truth. You can’t win with the lies of the ego, but you can’t lose with the truth of the Holy Spirit. ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

Saturday, February 10, 2018

You Can't Destroy the Truth

What the Holy Spirit does is speak to EVERYONE through the right part of the mind. Of course, the person has to be willing to listen. Adolf Hitler's mind was 99 percent influenced by the ego, and the Holy Spirit was not listened to by him. There was no willingness. Everybody has at least 1 percent Spirit, even Chairman Mao, who killed way more than people than Hitler. That's because you can't destroy the truth, you can only cover it over. On the other hand, you have someone like Gandhi, whose mind was 99 percent influenced by Spirit, and he was more than willing to listen. ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

Friday, February 9, 2018

Dissolving the Ego Thought System

All sorrows of your life are caused by some form of judgment, which makes the belief in separation real, but you have it within yourself to end all suffering with forgiveness, and dissolve the ego thought system. The devil disappears along with it, for they are one and the same. ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

Thursday, February 8, 2018

The Devil is Separation

So the devil is really separation and the mind’s belief in it. After all what is war but separation? What is projection, the blaming of people, inquisitions, torture, and punishment but separation? What is all violence and terrorism? How can you have judgment, and all its tragedy, without separation? The devil may be blamed, but the belief in the seeming separation from God and the endless symbols that go along with it will always be the cause. ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Belief in the Devil

Over the eons, people have been fascinated with the struggle between good and evil, between what they've perceived as God and the devil. Well, this is one of the things the Course says about the devil, "The mind can make the belief in separation very real and very fearful, and this belief IS the devil. It is powerful, active, destructive, and clearly in opposition to God, because it literally denies His Fatherhood. Look at your life and see what the devil has made. But realize that this making will surely dissolve in the light of truth, because its foundation is a lie. " So the devil is really separation and the mind's belief in it.
~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

You Can Still Be Killed

GARY: But even if you forgive everything, can‘t you still be killed like J was?

ARTEN: Yes, but by that time J had decided to gently lay his body aside for the final time, and he was perfectly willing to be killed in order to teach he couldn’t be killed. He also could have stopped it if he wanted to, but he chose not to. So it wasn’t karma. He was deliberately choosing to teach the message of the crucifixion, even though only a handful of people could understand it. He knew many more people would understand it later.

GARY: So even though it looked to others like he was being horribly murdered, that wasn’t his experience. They could only imagine how they would feel under the same circumstances, and then they projected their perception of suffering onto J. Then, before you know it, you have J supposedly suffering and sacrificing himself for their sins.
~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

Monday, February 5, 2018

Finding Real Love

There's nothing wrong with talking about love. But you won’t find real, permanent love by talking about it, or trying to be more loving, or even by trying to emulate J. You’ll find it by undoing the barriers to it. You should keep looking to forgive anything you’ve placed in between yourself and your true nature. The ego is a formidable illusion. It’s like a machine. It keeps persisting, which is why you’ve got to be vigilant. Always remember this vital quotation from the Course:

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. It is not necessary to seek for what is true, but it is necessary to seek for what is false.”  ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Enlightenment in this Lifetime

So you’ve learned from the Course that in your present state you are a mind, and that you have the power to choose. And what you choose to believe in is what will affect you, and ultimately determine what you believe you are. Never underestimate the power of the mind. With its choices you will remain separate from your Source in your experience, and feel like an ego among egos, or you will return home to your Source in the glorious condition of Oneness, guided there by the Holy Spirit. You’ve learned from the Course that mind is the activating agent of spirit. Use this mind to go in the right direction with every choice you make. In doing so, you can be enlightened in this lifetime.  ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Understanding the Crucifixion

GARY: But even if you forgive everything, can‘t you still be killed like J was?

ARTEN: Yes, but by that time J had decided to gently lay his body aside for the final time, and he was perfectly willing to be killed in order to teach he couldn’t be killed. He also could have stopped it if he wanted to, but he chose not to. So it wasn’t karma. He was deliberately choosing to teach the message of the crucifixion, even though only a handful of people could understand it. He knew many more people would understand it later. 

GARY: So even though it looked to others like he was being horribly murdered, that wasn’t his experience. They could only imagine how they would feel under the same circumstances, and then they projected their perception of suffering onto J. Then, before you know it, you have J supposedly suffering and sacrificing himself for their sins.
~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

Friday, February 2, 2018

You Can't Skip the Undoing

It’ll always come back to the fact that salvation is undoing, and forgiveness is the way to undo the ego. Then love, which is what you are, will be there naturally. But you can’t skip the undoing part, or your love will be temporary, mixed in with the ego, and your mind will be a mixed bag. Without the complete healing of the Holy Spirit you’ll stay stuck on psycho planet forever. ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

With Guilt There's Karma

GARY: So within the framework of the illusion, whatever you do to another person does come back to you later.

ARTEN: Yes, until you forgive yourself for what you haven’t done. Until then, there’s guilt, and with guilt there is karma. But if you take away the guilt with forgiveness, then the karma is healed.
~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

Thursday, February 1, 2018


Lao-Tzu was unusual in the sense that even though he understood non-dualism he was also an ascetic, and he demanded that his students be ascetics. This led his students more to an experience of semi-dualism rather than non-dualism because if you believe you have to deny yourself worldly pleasures, then you’re making the illusion real through your resistance to it. ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other