Monday, February 8, 2016

The Present Moment

PURSAH: Now Gary, don’t talk to Jesus about easy. He went all the way, and you’re well on your way. Jesus demonstrated that nothing is impossible with God, including the complete absence of pain. You’ve done well with your recent forgiveness work, despite your complaining here, so why don’t you just be like a duck?
GARY: Okay, I’ll bite. What does that mean?
ARTEN: A duck doesn’t look behind itself. It’s hard for a duck to do that, so it usually doesn’t bother. It just sees what’s right in front of its face and ignores what’s behind it. All that matters is what’s up right now. There’s no thinking about the past.
GARY: You’re saying the past should be out of my awareness—that all I should be thinking of is what there is to deal with at the present moment. Then the future will take care of itself.
ARTEN: Yes, but we’re not talking about leaving it at that, like some of the popular spiritual teachings do. Any attempt to remain in the present moment will fail unless certain work is done by the student. That’s because there is something in the mind that
prevents you from staying in the present moment. Most spiritualities don’t even know about it, much less teach you how to have it healed. Also, the most popular teachers of the Course don’t know about it or teach you how to have it healed, because they haven’t really learned the Course.

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