Sunday, January 1, 2017

A Dream is a Dream

Gary: How could there ever be a tiny, mad idea within perfection Doesn't that make a flaw in perfection?
Arten: A dream of imperfection is not a real imperfection. A dream is a dream, not a defective part of reality. God did not create the dream; you made up yourself inside of your own dream. Then because it seems real to you, you ask, "Why did God make this dream real:" or "Why did God let me dream?" The answer is that He didn't do either, and it isn't really happening, so there's no point in asking how it could have come about, because it hasn't! It just isn't.
When you awaken from a delusion, it simply vanishes, and you go on with your life, in this case your real life. As J puts it, "From the forgiven world the Son of God is lifted easily into his home. And there he knows he has always rested there in peace." ~ Your Immortal Reality

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