Friday, December 19, 2014

Fear or Love

Fear, sin, rage, guilt, jealousy, anger, pain, worry, resentment, revenge, loathing, envy, and all other negative emotions are versions of the same illusion. That's why the Course taught very clearly, before all the borrowers came along, that, ‘Fear and love are the only emotions of which you are capable.’

People who borrow from the Course instead of teaching it generally make one of two mistakes. Either they try to make up a secular version of the Course, which doesn't work because when you leave out God, you're ignoring the one real problem – the seeming separation from Him – or they make up a version that includes God, but is a dualistic system. This also fails to solve the one real problem because of the very nature of duality. How can you undo the separation from God by believing that God created and acknowledges separation? Thus they end up wasting a lot of time by reinforcing the seeming separation rather than correcting it. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

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