Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What is it For?

Gary: The news sucks us into seeing someone else as the guilty party - whether it's the terrorists, the politicians and their witch hunts, those people who are guilty of crimes, or at least whomever the prosecutors and the news media want us to believe are guilty - because getting us to project our guilt onto others is good for certain careers and ratings. On some talk shows, the game is about who ever can put other people down the best. On the news, the more problems they can get us to worry about, the better. All of this keeps our minds running wild.

Arten: Precisely, which is exactly what the ego wants. As the Course teaches you, '...Preoccupations with problems set up to be incapable of solution are favorite ego devices for impeding learning progress. In all these diversionary tactics, however, the one question that is never asked by those who pursue them is, "What for?" This is the question that you must learn to ask in connection with everything. What is the purpose? Whatever it is, it will direct your efforts automatically.'

Gary: The purpose should be forgiveness and the Atonement.

~ The Disappearance of the Universe

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