Saturday, January 23, 2016

What to Do in a Tragedy

When it comes to what seems to be a terrible tragedy, it's very easy to get drawn into it. Yes, you have to forgive, but you also need to be aware of a couple of things in such a situation.

First, choosing to recognize the unreality of the dream doesn't mean you shouldn't be sensitive to the needs and the feelings of people who are involved in a nightmare like that. How would you have felt at that time (going through the death of a loved one or what have you) if some jerk came up to you and started telling you how it was all just an illusion so you shouldn't feel bad? It would just make you angry that your pain wasn't being respected. You can’t expect bereaved people to do anything except grieve. Always allow the feelings and beliefs of others.

Second, it would be equally insipid to tell people at a time like that it's all a script they chose to experience. Let people learn the truth when they're pursuing the truth, not when they're grieving for their friends or relatives.  ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

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