Friday, September 30, 2016

If the People You See are Christ...

If the people you see are Christ, then so are you. If you respond with the judgment of the ego and give reality to the dreams of others that they too are egos, then that's what you'll think you are. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Strengthening Your Attitude of Forgiveness

For most people, especially during the first few years, forgiveness requires that you think about it. You become a master by having forgiving thought processes. These right-minded thoughts eventually dominate your mind instead of the ego. A situation occurs or someone comes along whom you need to forgive, and following the lead of the Workbook, you've learned to have right-minded thoughts about the person or situation. Using your understanding of the Course's entire thought system, contributes to and strengthens your attitude of forgiveness. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Forgiveness is Done Silently

Just forgive - silently. Don't go up to people and say, "I'm forgiving you now, you know." Think forgiveness; don't say it; forgiveness is done silently. Do the Course. Don't dumb it down. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you can just pray to God and everything will be hunky-dory. That's a myth. The Course says of the words, "'I want the peace of God' :'To say these words is nothing. But to mean these words is everything.'" And , "To mean you want the peace of God is to renounce all dreams." Thus you demonstrate that you want the peace of God not with your words, but by your forgiveness. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Truth is not Temporal

Ultimately, the truth is not temporal; it is plenary, absolute, total. Yet on this level, the healing of your perception by the Holy Spirit is a temporary process leading to an absolute solution. 
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, September 26, 2016

Sacrifice is of the Ego

People who are into religion usually believe it takes sacrifice, or suffering, to get to God. Christianity has J suffering and dying for everybody's sins. Yet sacrifice is an ego attribute, and has nothing to do with God. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Ego Mind

Even though there's only one ego mind, just like there is only one Son of God - and you're It - this one ego-mind is split into both a right mind and a wrong mind, which you must choose between. You're observing everything, and you've got to choose whether you want the ego to be your teacher as you observe everything, or the Holy Spirit. When we or the Course talk about the ego, we're almost always talking about the wrong part of the mind, and not the right mind where the Holy Spirit abides.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Universe Follows a Script

The universe follows a script that was made in a holographic way but appears to play out in a linear manner, like a movie that's already been filmed. The whole thing has already been written, and so has your life story. Even the day your body will die has already been determined.
The only real freedom you have is to choose to return to God by listening to the Voice for Him, instead of continuing indefinitely within a fixed system that has nothing to do with Him. Your brain isn't hard wired to know God; your mind tells your brain what to do! Be glad the universe and your brain have nothing to do with God, and that there's a way to return to His Universe.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, September 23, 2016

Your Responses and Reactions

It is by your responses and reactions to what you see that you make the experience of separation from God seem real. The details of what you are making real show up in your relationships, and in the predicaments that have been scripted out for you. It's not always about things that appear to happen to you. It can be about events you are observing as a spectator - in the relationships of others, or even on the news you watch or read on the Internet. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, September 22, 2016

It's All Symbolic of the Separation

The ego believes in the separation from God, and the seeming separation that is being constantly acted out here was a very upsetting thing for you, to say the least. You'll experience thousands of times in your life when things seem to be going good, just fine, and then suddenly something will happen to upset you. It may be something you think is big or small. It doesn't matter. If it disturbs your peace of mind even in the slightest, it's symbolic of the separation.

Whenever it happens, in all its different forms, it's always a way of repeatedly living out that first time when you were perfectly happy in Heaven and then suddenly you were very upset - that first time you thought you were separate from God - which is what all the other upsets in this world are based on. In your ordinary dream of life, the causes for the upsets seem to be happening to the specific identity you have as a body, which is itself a false idea of separation. 

~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

It's All a Dream

Arten: You are not completely unfamiliar with the concept of your experience being a dream.

Gary: It's not that the idea is completely alien; it just doesn't FEEL like a dream very often, although I have had those kinds of experiences.

Arten: Yes, and you'll have more of them - but forgiveness is where it's at if you want to make those experiences more the norm rather than an occasional thing. 
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A False Idea of Separation

The ego believes in the separation from God, and the seeming separation that is being constantly acted out here was a very upsetting thing for you, to say the least. You'll experience thousands of times in your life when things seem to be going good, just fine, and then suddenly something will happen to upset you. It may be something you think is big or small. It doesn't matter. If it disturbs your peace of mind even in the slightest, it's symbolic of the separation.

Whenever it happens, in all its different forms, it's always a way of repeatedly living out that first time when you were perfectly happy in Heaven and then suddenly you were very upset - that first time you thought you were separate from God - which is what all the other upsets in this world are based on. In your ordinary dream of life, the causes for the upsets seem to be happening to the specific identity you have as a body, which is itself a false idea of separation.

 ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, September 19, 2016

Nobody's Perfect

Perhaps you don't yet fully understand that the benefits of true forgiveness are for YOU. You don't have to - nor will you - always forgive immediately. Occasionally you'll have to forgive something that happened a half an hour ago, or two days ago. That's the way it goes. Nobody's perfect, and right now there's an epidemic of anger going on in the world, making it even more difficult for you to not respond. Even 2,000 years ago, J was tempted to identify with the body at times, but because he was a master, he forgave and got over it very quickly. 
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Real Reason You're Fearful

When it comes to the illusion of time, you should understand that sin equals the past, guilt equals the present, and fear equals the future. Of course it could be the very immediate future or the distant future. It really doesn't matter. As examples, say you're being robbed at gunpoint and you think you might be killed. Or maybe you're worried about your retirement twenty years from now. Those things are different in form, but really the same. The real reason you're fearful is because you believe you've sinned. If you didn't believe in the ego system, you couldn't be afraid. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Only Way to Forgive

The ONLY way to forgive what is within is to forgive what SEEMS to be without. 
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Friday, September 16, 2016

The Holy Spirit is the Answer

The ego has tricked you into fighting a battle that is continuously seen outside yourself, where the thought system of sin, guilt, and fear is projected in a way that is certain to make sure this battle is always fought where the answer ISN'T. The answer, the Holy Spirit, remains within the split mind, along with the ego mind that is projecting the universe. Your job now is to stop fighting the battle where you can't win, and turn to the decision-making power of your mind, where the Holy Spirit is. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Good and Bad are Both Untrue

All splits are merely symbolic of division and separation, and designed to keep you chasing after the supposedly good things, so you won't ever find out that the good and the bad are equally untrue. That way your attention is continuously fixed on the ego's tricks instead of the Holy Spirit's answer. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

God Has Nothing to Do with Duality

What is everything you see around you except a series of pictures or images; a movie of your own hatred and guilt? Yes, you have some seemingly good experiences mixed in that are designed to mask things, but that's just duality. On this level, the duality that is perceived in the universe simply reflects the duality of your own split mind, symbolized as opposites and counterparts - all of which have nothing to do with God, Who is perfectly whole and complete and would never create anything that isn't.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

How Many are Ready to Listen?

The lessons of true forgiveness are not for everyone all at once - they are for those who are ready to receive their individual instruction. From the Gospel, "I shall choose you, one from a thousand and two from ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one." Of course, J chooses everyone, all the time. But how many are ready to listen? ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

Monday, September 12, 2016

The World is False Perception

We created this universe, or better yet, mis-created it. God certainly did not create this mess, nor has anything to do with it, no matter how beautiful it may seem at times. So our guilt can now be seen as being outside of ourselves, rather than within, and we go on to judge and condemn others. But when we judge and condemn others, what we are really doing is judging and condemning ourselves, as the ‘others’ we perceive as being out there are really just symbols of what's in our own unconscious minds. But once we stop reacting with condemnation, and start forgiving and seeing everyone as totally innocent, which in reality we all are, then all of the guilt will eventually be removed, and we will then simply return our awareness to our natural and original condition of being one with God.
As J puts it in the Course, ‘The world is false perception. It is born of error, and it has not left its source. It will remain no longer than the thought that gave it birth is cherished. When the thought of separation has been changed to one of true forgiveness, will the world be seen in quite another light; and one which leads to truth, where all the world must disappear and all its errors vanish. Now its source has gone, and its effects are gone as well." ~ Dude, Where's Jesus Fish?

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The U.S. Government Orchestrated the Events of September 11, 2001

Arten: Now we have a tough one for you. This has been speculated about by others, so it's not an entirely new idea. But most people don't know it, and even if they've heard it, they don't know for sure if it's true, so we have to tell you the truth.

Gary: All right. You sound serious.

Arten: Parts of the United States government were actively involved in the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the four hijacked planes that resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 Americans and people from other countries on September 11, 2001.

Gary: You didn't just say what I think you said.

Arten: Yes, I'm sorry. But it's not like there isn't plenty of evidence of it. The Twin Towers didn't collapse because of the planes striking them and the fire. No skyscraper has ever collapsed that way because of fire. The buildings were imploded, like when they bring down an old hotel in Las Vegas. The hijackers were duped by the CIA into thinking they were acting under the orders of their terrorist organization, when they were really being used by the CIA. They did exactly what the CIA wanted them to do, and they ended up playing their part, thinking they were being directed by their own leaders. With communications risky, it wasn't that hard for them to be used in this manner. Plus, the hijackers weren't the same people your government said they were. And the planes that went into the World Trade Center were not the hijacked planes. There were empty planes that were guided by remote control.

Al-Qaeda did not organize the attacks and neither did Osama bin Laden, although he was happy to eventually take the credit for it. He was the perfect murderer for the government to have as the fall guy.

Do some research. Listen to what thousands of individual physicists and engineers say about what happened at the World Trade Center, the 7 World Trade Center building, and the Pentagon. Don’t listen to organizations. The truth is that members of your own government, particularly the Vice President—who just happened to be in charge of air defense around Washington, D.C., that morning—wanted a “Pearl Harbor” to occur in order to allow the government to gain power over its own people and do whatever it pleased throughout the world. You’ve seen some of the results, including using the aftermath as an excuse for even more surveillance of American citizens and a big step toward fascism.

President Bush wasn’t told about it, as the perpetrators had a role for him to play also. The people who committed these major crimes against humanity, who believe they’re intelligent, thought that Iraq would be an easy victory. They were wrong. And they’re also wrong to think the evidence won’t eventually convince people of the truth. That, however, is a long way off.

Yes, there are people who already know the truth, but most of the American public are sheep who believe whatever they hear on the corporate-owned news. The corporations and national governments are in turn controlled by banking powers such as the Federal Reserve board and Central banks that are owned by the most powerful families on earth. These are the individuals who want global domination.

The real Achilles heel in the 9/11 illusion is building 7. It was imploded later in the day. The building was struck by no planes, was a football field away from the World Trade Center, and just happened to house the headquarters of the CIA in New York City. The evidence of the CIA’s involvement had to be destroyed; however, the super thermites used to implode the buildings were not completely annihilated. Traces were found at the scene. And the heat and energy created by these super thermites was measured after the crime. There was far more energy present at the scene than could have been generated by the scenario presented by the government and rubber-stamped by the congressional investigation.

Gary: Why didn’t you tell me this before?

Arten: Think, Gary. You weren’t ready. Our last visit to you in the first series was soon after 9/11. You had a lot to do the next year and a half just to get the first book out there. You were in shock like the rest of the country. And we wouldn’t have been doing you any favors at the time by having you put out a book that accused your own government of planning and participating in 9/11. It would have brought scorn on you and completely distracted everyone from the message of the book.

Gary: How could the animals that did this pull it off without people knowing about it?

Arten: Four CIA agents, acting as maintenance personnel, only needed a few weeks to plant the thermites, which were detonated by radio signal. Super thermites, the kind that were used, are not overly bulky. They are smaller, more advanced, and much more powerful than other thermites. Just sit with this, and eventually try to forgive it. It’s all still the same projection it always was, Gary. Try to look through it and see the reality of spirit.

Gary: All right, but this is a tough one. Forget about a few years ago—I don’t even know if I’m ready for it now.

Pursah: Remember, don’t make it real. Just notice it and then forgive it. It’s like you’re watching a virtual-reality video game, and there’s no one else in the room. It’s just you. There isn’t really anyone else with you, except the Holy Spirit, and there’s not really anyone on the screen. And what you’re seeing is not true. And with that we should temporarily disappear. We love you, Gary. Keep your chin up and keep on forgiving. You honor us. Choose the miracle of forgiveness. For as J teaches you:

Reality belongs only to spirit, and the miracle acknowledges only truth.

~ Love Has Forgotten No One

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Like A Fart in the Wind

To borrow a line from the movie The Shawshank Redemption, the universe will ‘vanish like a fart in the wind.’ The universe will disappear because there will be no need for it any longer. Once there is no need to project unconscious guilt, there will be no need for a universe of time and space. The universe of time and space exists in its unreality as a hiding spot from our unconscious guilt; it's a symptom of separation from God and the projection of unconscious guilt. ~ Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?

Friday, September 9, 2016

Forgiveness is Our Real Job

What we do in the world while we appear to be here is not important, it’s irrelevant. But we’re all going to be doing something while we appear to be here; I don’t think any of us are going to be staring at a wall until they attain their enlightenment. The point is we must do our forgiveness work while we go about doing whatever it is we do in this world. Our healing is dependent on what’s going on in our minds, not about what action we take in the world. It’s about living at cause, which is in the mind, and not screwing around with effects. Forgiveness is our real job, and anything we appear to be doing in the world is just a cover job. ~ Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Projecting or Seeing Innocence?

We cannot hear these right-minded ideas too many times to remind us what this is all about. Projection sucks! Seeing only innocence is much more satisfying and rewarding. Projection may give one a state of instant gratification of feeling right, or better than, but that gratification doesn’t last because the unconscious guilt associated with it remains in place. ~ Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Turd that Won't Flush!

If we choose to look at these ‘scapegoats’ with the Holy Spirit rather than with the ego, then we realize that they are our opportunities for practicing forgiveness – and we can’t get Home without them. So, these people are actually doing us a big favor, even if they do feel like a big pain in the ass, or as ‘The Wayner’ once put it, ‘…they’re like the turd that won’t flush!’ So, they just keep coming back in one form or another until the particular aspects they represent in our minds that need healing have been completely forgiven. ~ Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Working Hard or Hardly Working?

There are some people out there, or more accurately stated, there are some people who appear to be out there who just want to try to skip to the end and not do the necessary forgiveness work it takes to get to the end. You can’t be afraid to get your hands dirty on this path. You have to be willing to look at all your crap; your anger, your resentments, your guilt, your need to be right, your impatience, your self-loathing, your fears, your feelings of inferiority and superiority, and all your motives in life. It takes work on the level of the mind to undo all that; and where I come from, you’re either working hard or hardly working!  ~ Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?

Monday, September 5, 2016

Forgiveness IS A Course in Miracles

According to the Concordance of A Course in Miracles, the words Forgive(s), Forgiveness, Forgiven, and Forgiving, show up in the Course a total of 835 times. And to think there are Course students out there that don’t realize how important forgiveness is – it’s everything! The practice of true forgiveness IS A Course in Miracles. No one’s going to attain the goal of the Course without the application of true forgiveness. As J states in the Course, ‘You who want peace can find it only by complete forgiveness.’ And, ‘The way to God is through forgiveness here. There is no other way.’ Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?

Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Ice Sculpture Analogy

I like the analogy of that of an ice sculpture. You have this big block of ice and let’s say you want to carve out a butterfly. Well, the butterfly is already in that block of ice. It’s just a matter of chipping away the excess so that the only thing left is the butterfly. Same thing with us – what we really are, perfect Spirit, perfect Love, is already within us – it’s just a matter of chipping away the excess, which, of course, is the ego. And forgiveness is the ice pick! ~ Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?

Saturday, September 3, 2016

No Guilt, No Karma

Karma is the result of the unconscious guilt in the mind. Once the guilt has been healed and removed by the Holy Spirit as a result of your practice of true forgiveness, then the so called karma no longer exists. Therefore, whatever ‘bad’ things you think you have done in the past are only ‘karmic’ if you have yet to truly forgive yourself for dreaming them. ~ Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?

Friday, September 2, 2016

Energy is Nothing

I used to be pretty obsessed about energy myself. Arten and Pursah really cleared this whole thing up for me. They really simplify the whole process of what it takes to attain enlightenment, while some other authors whose books I read prior to this point really complicated the hell out of it – making DNA and every single cell in the body so real! Energy really is nothing! Just practice true forgiveness and the rest will take care of itself. What a relief! 
~ Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Don't Nitpick the Course

You don't need to sit there dissecting and analyzing every sentence in the Course – don’t get so caught up in the trees that you can’t see the forest. If you don't understand what a particular sentence or paragraph is saying, it’s not something to get all frustrated about and/or beat yourself up over – just move on. 

Nitpicking the Course is the ego’s way of looking for excuses to not do the necessary forgiveness work that’s required in order to attain the goal of the Course. If you read a sentence in the Course that doesn’t make sense to you, most of the time, it’ll clear itself right up after reading a little bit more. And if doesn’t seem to, then just remember what Pursah says about all the details being put within the context of its larger teachings on forgiveness – that’ll save you much time and grief. And always remember, the first four letters of the word analyze spell anal – and I don’t generally believe in coincidences. ~ Dude, Where's My Jesus Fish?