Saturday, August 25, 2018

Only God Exists

The bodies you occupy in your various dream incarnations are symbols of duality. Thus, you have just as many lifetimes where you are rich as you are poor, good as you are evil, good-looking as you are unattractive to the eye, famous as you are obscure, healthy as you are sick; and every polarity, duality, and opposite you could possibly think of. None of them are true. It's all a trick. You are your own counterpart. Ultimately, the bodies that are not your own incarnations are also you. Like your own bodies, they reflect the opposite of duality because they symbolize the condition of separation from God. Yet there can be no separation from God. Only God exists, and all else is false. The Course is completely uncompromising on that, for those who care to see it. ~ Your Immortal Reality

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