Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Guiltless Mind Cannot Suffer

The guiltless mind cannot suffer. It blows the whole idea of glorifying sacrifice right out of the water. Because pain is not a physical process, it's a mental process, and if you healed all the unconscious guilt in the mind, then you couldn't feel any pain. That changes the message of the Crucifixion from the idea of worshiping suffering and sacrifice to a demonstration that if you were healed, then it would be impossible for you to feel any pain or to suffer. But suffering like people now believe J did, is a hallmark of the religion that he had nothing to do with, but that was founded in his name. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Saturday, September 29, 2018

The Passion of the Christ

The movie, The Passion of the Christ, like the religion it's about, glorifies suffering and sacrifice. And people were bringing their nine and ten year old kids to see this thing, and when they were coming out of the theater, you could just see the look on their faces, as if they were saying to the kids, "There, you see? You see what Jesus did for you? You see how he suffered and sacrificed himself for you? You guilty little bastards. Now what are you gonna do for him? You're gonna be a Christian, right?"

And there you have makings of a very successful religion. Because if you want to get people to do something in this world, including impressionable children, make them feel guilty. You could make them believe in Santa Claus until they're 30 if you found a way to use guilt and nobody told them any better. And in this case, nobody's telling them any better. The whole thing also makes the body very real the destruction of it important. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Friday, September 28, 2018

Symbol of Compassion

A lot of the time J has been portrayed as a suffering, angst-ridden figure. That's not what he was like at all. He was a peaceful figure with a gentle smile. His eyes were clear and loving. There was no fear in him because he knew that there was nothing to fear. Nothing the world could do to him could affect him. He was not a body. He did not think of himself as being special. He was not the passion; he was a symbol of compassion. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Only In That View

The Course says, "Forgiveness recognizes what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred. It does not pardon sins and make them real. It sees there was no sin. And in that view are all your sins forgiven." I might add that ONLY in that view are all your sins forgiven. If the world is real, then sins are real and they're guilty, which means you're guilty, or at least that's the way it will translate into your unconscious. Get it? If they're innocent because they haven't really done anything, then you're innocent because you haven't really done anything. Once again, that'the kind of an idea that's definitive. You can't get away from it. And making it a part of you will make you whole. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Anger is Never Justified

A definitive statement in the Course would be the idea that anger is never justified. If you made the whole thing up, then who is there to be angry at? And a related definitive idea would be, "The secret of salvation is but this: That you are doing this unto yourself." The two ideas fit together like a hand in a glove, and once you really get them then there's no getting away from them." ~ Your Immortal Reality

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

What is Not Love is Murder

If there are no degrees, aspects, or intervals in reality, and levels only exist in the dream of separation, then that means there are really only two things you can do. Every forgiving thought is an expression of love; every unforgiving thought is a murder. It doesn't matter if there isn't a corpse. Each day the earth turns is a day full of murders without corpses..people thinking unforgiving thoughts toward one another. As J says in no uncertain terms, "What is not love is murder. What is not loving must be an attack." ~ Your Immortal Reality

Monday, September 24, 2018

The Body Doesn't Exist!

You should always remember that whatever appears to happen is just a dream. The reason the Course says that reincarnation isn't true is because it's an illusion. It appears to happen, but you never really go into a body, it just looks that way. It's an optical illusion. Why? Well, for one thing the Course teaches that the body doesn't even exist! So how could you really be going into one? ~ Your Immortal Reality

Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Real Goal is Heaven

The real goal is Heaven, but the short-term goal is peace, and the end of all pain and suffering. It's absolutely within your means to learn to end all pain and suffering, despite anything that appears to be happening in the world and regardless of what your symptoms appears to be. That's the Holy Spirit's answer to the ego's script of guilt, pain, suffering, and death. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Only Real Power

The only real power you have here is the power to choose between the ego and the Holy Spirit. In the process, if you happen to change dimensions of time through the Holy Spirit's collapsing of time and thus have a different scenario play itself out within the fixed script, then you should consider that to be be a fringe benefit. That's not what the Course is about, though. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Friday, September 21, 2018

Your Life is Pre-Determined

Your thoughts determine your experience of life, not what happens in your life. What happens on the level of form - how long you live, how rich or poor you are, whether or not you're faced with the challenge of heart disease, stroke, cancer, or what have you - was all determined before you ever appeared to be born. The instant you chose the ego on that metaphysical level, everything else was a done deal. That's why life here isn't fair. And don't ask why you should even bother? I just said you do determine your experience with your thoughts, and your experience is what's important. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Thursday, September 20, 2018

God is Not Letting You Dream This

Gary: You know some people might say that it's not very loving for God to let us dream a dream like this that always turns into a nightmare eventually. What would you say to that?

Arten: It's always amusing that those same people then want to turn around and say that God created the world! Talk about God not being loving. In answer to your question, God is not letting you dream this. In order to let you, He'd have to acknowledge a separation idea in the first place. We've already said that He doesn't . It's only because He doesn't that there is still perfect Oneness for you to wake up to. ~ Your Immoral Reality

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Addressing Unconscious Guilt

Given that the Course is the only teaching that not only addresses but completely explains the issue of unconscious guilt, it shows you how vital it is to make this teaching more available to more people. Right now most of the people who teach it don't even understand it. And the ones who quote from it without teaching it certainly don't understand it. They take lines from it out of context to support what they're teaching. But what the Course is teaching is that you can undo the ego that's in your mind, have the Holy Spirit heal all of your unconscious guilt, and be free. The fastest way to do that is to change the way you look at other people, events, and situations. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Suicide: The Dirty Little Secret of the Ego

Suicide is the biggest problem in the world that the world is in total denial of. It's the dirty little secret of the ego. Sure, people know about suicide, but they have no idea how widespread it is. More people die from suicide than are killed by all of the wars and all of the crime in the world combined. As just one example, more firefighters die from suicide than are ever killed in fires. Nobody wants to talk about it. Nobody wants to examine it. If someone is depressed, the system will put them on drugs and never look at the reasons. That's because the ego doesn't want to look at the issue of unconscious guilt, which is the real cause of suicide. The ego runs away from looking at it as fast as possible. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Monday, September 17, 2018

Forgiveness Thought Process on Self

You'a typical person in the sense that you have a tendency to project your unconscious guilt onto other people and make them wrong. But everybody has times when they blame themselves. This of for those times. When you're beating yourself up, remember this forgiveness thought process:

I am immortal spirit.
This body is just an image.
It has nothing to do with what I am.

~ Your Immortal Reality

Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Holy Spirit Can Show Up in Many Ways

The Holy Spirit will not always show up to you as a Voice. The Holy Spirit can show up in the form of intuition, an idea, or a feeling and can speak through another person you're listening to, and suddenly you may realize that what you're hearing is a good idea. Spirit can teach you in your dreams. There are numerous ways for the Holy Spirit to show up for you. Always be open to that.
~ Your Immortal Reality

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Every Act of Forgiveness

Every act of forgiveness undoes the ego, and the Holy Spirit removes the blocks to the awareness of God, or spirit's presence. The blocks are those walls of guilt in the mind that keep you from your awareness of what you really are. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Friday, September 14, 2018

Final Forgiveness Lesson

If you persevere and continue to practice forgiveness, then at some point you get down to the final layer of the onion. When you peel away that layer of the onion, then there's nothing left. The onion is gone. And that's the way it is with the ego. After your final forgiveness lesson, the ego is gone; it's been undone, and there's nothing left to interfere with your experience of what you are. There's no reason for you to reincarnate. Practicing forgiveness is how to break the cycle of birth and death. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Something Amazing is Happening

Because of your practice of forgiveness, there are lessons that you no longer need to learn, and the Holy Spirit is actually erasing the tapes, taking dimensions of time that held lessons you would have needed to learn if you didn't practice forgiveness, and making those dimensions disappear. And because you can't see everything that the Holy Spirit can see, you're sitting there thinking, THIS IS BORING. NOTHING'S HAPPENING.  But something amazing IS happening. More layers of the onion have been peeled away, and your ego is vanishing. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Healing Karma from Past Lives

Maybe you're watching TV and you forgive a news story that you see. Another layer of the onion is peeled away, but you think nothing's happening. In the meantime, the Holy Spirit is shining your forgiveness everywhere throughout the mind that is projecting the universe, and thus through the projection as well. It cuts through unconscious guilt and its projections karma like a laser beam. It goes through all of your past lives, all through the different dimensions of time, everywhere in the universe of energy and form, and through every parallel universe that appears to exist. Incredible things are happening! The Holy Spirit is actually collapsing time as you sit there. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Peeling an Onion

Think of the Hindu analogy of undoing the ego. It's like peeling an onion. To adapt that analogy for our purposes, let's say you forgive someone, in the Course's sense of the word. It's like peeling away a layer of an onion, or in this case, a layer of the ego. Maybe it will look to you like nothing's happened. Why? When you peel away the layer of an onion, it still looks like an onion. It still looks the same. But it's not really the same, because a layer of it has been peeled away.

Now, let's say you have perseverance. Maybe you occasionally have experiences of being very peaceful that encourage you. Or maybe something happens that would have made you feel bad in the past, and this time it doesn't make you feel bad. You realize that it's because you've been practicing forgiveness, and that the Holy Spirit is healing your mind at the level of the unconscious. So you keep going and you forgive again and again. What happens is another layer of the onion is peeled away. It may still look the same. So you go to the bathroom and you look in the mirror and you think it's the same old you, but it's not. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Monday, September 10, 2018

Definitive Statements

The mind will go to such lengths to avoid what the Course is saying and delay the clarification of it that people will read the Text and interpret it, usually incorrectly. They'll ignore the definitive statements of the Course, and start nit-picking and focusing on individual words or phrases that when taken out of context seem to support their interpretation. Yet everything the Course says must be put within the contest of the Course's large teaching, which shows up unmistakably in those definitive statements. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Nothing to Forgive, But...

When we're talking about forgiveness, we're talking about a choice. The choice is, what are you? Are you something separate from God? Are you an individual? Are you living in this world, really? Are you mortal? Are you a body? Or are you spirit, one with your Source, changeless and eternal, immortal and totally invulnerable? If you are the latter, than there's nothing to forgive. Only a body has grievances to forgive. So forgiveness is s choice of what you want to believe yourself to be by choosing what the other person is. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Saturday, September 8, 2018

It's About Your Unconscious Mind

People think it's the beliefs that they have in their conscious mind that runs them, and that they can control their mind by changing their thoughts from negative to positive ones. That's not true when it comes to the big picture. It will only have a temporarily helpful impact. What REALLY runs us are the beliefs we have that are unconscious to us, the things we can't see. A Course in Miracles presents a way to actually heal and remove the things that are hidden in the deep canyons of the unconscious mind. Very few spiritual teaching do anything on that level. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Friday, September 7, 2018

If You Solve One Problem

If you solve one problem in the universe of time and space, then what you get is another problem. That's the way it's set up so you'l keep looking for answers in the wrong place out there in the world where the problem appears to be instead of where it really is, which is in the mind that caused the one real problem in the first place. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Moving Furniture in a Burning House

Make no mistake: There's a difference in levels between this and other teachings. The rest of them are moving things around in a universe that isn't really there. That's like moving the furniture around in a burning house. Yes, it might look nice for a little while, but it's denying the real problem. A Course in Miracles, on the other hand, is the undoing of all of it, and the return to the only thing that is real. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Telling the Body What to Feel

You perceive yourself as being in a body, and then the body tells you what to feel. But you should be the one who tells the body what to feel. You are not in the body; the body is in your mind. When you put the mind in its proper perspective, then you're taking charge of the cause instead of being at the mercy of the effect. Then you can choose the Holy Spirit and His answer instead of the ego's questions. Thus will you be returned to wholeness. Because of that, how you experience things will change on this level, and the Holy Spirit will take care of the job on the larger, metaphysical scale.~ Your Immortal Reality

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Don't Spiritualize the Universe

One of the most important things is not to make the universe of time and space real. You're innocent because it's not real. Don't spiritualize the universe. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Monday, September 3, 2018

The Ego Wants to Kill You

We call it TRUE forgiveness because it's not the same as the way the world usually thinks of it, and you'll have unconscious resistance to this kind of forgiveness because the ego sense this is its end, and would rather kill you than have you kill it. There are teachers who will tell you to make friends with your ego or make peace with your ego as a way of dealing with it. All that will do is keep it in place. Besides, if you practice true forgiveness, which is the only way out, then the ego isn't interested in being your colleague. Your job is not to keep the ego in place; your job is to undo it through the dynamic of right-minded thinking. As the Course says, "Salvation is undoing." ~ Your Immortal Reality

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Forgiveness is a Choice

When we're talking about forgiveness, we're talking about a choice. The choice is, what are you? Are you something separate from God? Are you an individual? Are you living in this world, really? Are you mortal ? Are you a body? Or are you spirit, one with your Source, changeless and eternal, immortal and totally invulnerable? If you are the latter, than there's nothing to forgive. Only a body has grievances to forgive. So forgiveness is s choice of what you want to believe yourself to be by choosing what the other person is. ~ Your Immortal Reality

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Minds Can Be Changed

You made what you are seeing. But it doesn't feel that way because of the massive denial. That also applies to all of the bodies you see, including your own. The purpose of the body is to make the illusion seem real. But since the body is part of the illusion, it can hardly be counted on to tell you of the illusion's unreality. It was given form by the same decision to be separate through projection, which is what made the entire illusion in the first place. You wanted the separation so the guilt would be in other bodies and not yours, and thus outside of you and in them. But because projection made the perception of everything, the cause of it all is still right there in your mind, and minds can be changed. ~ Your Immortal Reality