Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Suicide: The Dirty Little Secret of the Ego

Suicide is the biggest problem in the world that the world is in total denial of. It's the dirty little secret of the ego. Sure, people know about suicide, but they have no idea how widespread it is. More people die from suicide than are killed by all of the wars and all of the crime in the world combined. As just one example, more firefighters die from suicide than are ever killed in fires. Nobody wants to talk about it. Nobody wants to examine it. If someone is depressed, the system will put them on drugs and never look at the reasons. That's because the ego doesn't want to look at the issue of unconscious guilt, which is the real cause of suicide. The ego runs away from looking at it as fast as possible. ~ Your Immortal Reality   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/photo

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