Saturday, September 29, 2018

The Passion of the Christ

The movie, The Passion of the Christ, like the religion it's about, glorifies suffering and sacrifice. And people were bringing their nine and ten year old kids to see this thing, and when they were coming out of the theater, you could just see the look on their faces, as if they were saying to the kids, "There, you see? You see what Jesus did for you? You see how he suffered and sacrificed himself for you? You guilty little bastards. Now what are you gonna do for him? You're gonna be a Christian, right?"

And there you have makings of a very successful religion. Because if you want to get people to do something in this world, including impressionable children, make them feel guilty. You could make them believe in Santa Claus until they're 30 if you found a way to use guilt and nobody told them any better. And in this case, nobody's telling them any better. The whole thing also makes the body very real the destruction of it important. ~ Your Immortal Reality

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