Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Ego's Script vs the Holy Spirit's Script

The script that the Holy Spirit wrote does not take place in the world. Remember, there is no world! And even though this is a course in cause and not effect, the first thing most Course teachers and students do is take the Course and put it right out there on the screen and make it about fixing the world. So now they're going to save a world that isn't there. No. The Holy Spirit's script is a different interpretation of the ego's script. The ego's script is what happens. You could also call it karma. That's a false, illusory cause and effect that seems to happen on the screen including what appears to happen to your own body. But even the body is just an effect. It's a symptom, a symbol of separation.

The Holy Spirit's script takes place in the mind. You learn how to use your one real power and choose the Holy Spirit's interpretation of what you're seeing. When you do that, you're switching to the Holy Spirit's script, which comes to you from outside of time and space, and changes your mind about time and space.  ~ Love Has Forgotten No One

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