Wednesday, July 27, 2016

What is the Resurrection?

Here are a few passages from the Manual for Teachers on the resurrection. "Very simply the resurrection is the overcoming or surmounting of death. It is a reawakening or a rebirth; a change of mind about the meaning of the world. It is the acceptance of the Holy Spirit’s interpretation of the world’s purpose; the acceptance of the Atonement for oneself." 

It goes on to say, "The resurrection is the denial of death, being the assertion of life. Thus is all the thinking of the world reversed entirely. Life is now recognized as salvation, and pain and misery of any kind perceived as hell. Love is no longer feared, but gladly welcomed."

When you have completely awakened from the dream of death and attained your resurrection, "Christ’s face is seen in every living thing, and nothing is held in darkness, apart from the light of forgiveness." Once you have seen the face of Christ, "Here the curriculum ends. From here on, no directions are needed. Vision is wholly corrected and all mistakes undone. Attack is meaningless and peace has come. The goal of the curriculum has been achieved. Thoughts turn to Heaven and away from hell. All longings are satisfied, for what remains unanswered or incomplete?"

The time will come when each seemingly separated mind has attained its enlightenment or resurrection. When everyone – not everybody, mind you – but every mind that has dreamed thousands of lifetimes has reached this state of awakening from the dream, that is the Second Coming of Christ. As the Course teaches, "The Second Coming is the one event in time which time itself can not affect. For every one who ever came to die, or yet will come or who is present now, is equally released from what he made. In this equality is Christ restored as one Identity, in which the Sons of God acknowledge that they all are one. And God the Father smiles upon His son, His one creation and His only joy." 

~ The Disappearance of the Universe

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