Wednesday, April 18, 2018

God Did Not Create Opposites

What is everything you see around you except a series of pictures or images; a movie of your own hatred and guilt? Yes, you have some seemingly good experiences mixed in that are designed to mask things, but that's just duality. On this level, the duality that is perceived in the universe simply reflects the duality of your own split mind, symbolized as opposites and counterparts. So you have good and bad, life and death, hot and cold, north and south, east and west, inward and outward, up and down, dark and light, left and right, sickness and health, rich and poor, yin and yang, love and hate, wet and dry, male and female, hard and soft, near and far, and a thousand other polarities and dual forces - all of which have nothing to do with God, Who is perfectly whole and complete and would never create anything that isn't. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

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