Thursday, April 26, 2018

Won't Always Forgive Right Away

Perhaps you don't fully understand that the benefits of true forgiveness are for you. You don't have to - nor will you - always forgive immediately. Occasionally you'll have to forgive something that happened a half an hour ago, or two days ago. That's the way it goes. Nobody's perfect, and  right now there's an epidemic of anger going on in the world, making it even more difficult for you to not respond. Even 2,000 years ago, J was tempted to identify with the body at times, but because he was a master, he forgave and got over it very quickly. In your case however, since time isn't real - and because memory is just as much of a perception as any other image - you can forgive a past event at any time, even if the person who is associated with your forgiveness is no longer seemingly living in a body. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

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