Wednesday, May 16, 2018

There is No World!

The ego would be ecstatic if you continued to believe there is a world out three that existed before your life began, and will go on without you after your body dies. The Holy Spirit's response, as outrageous as it may see to your ego, is this - as quoted from the Course:

There is no world! This is the central thought the course attempts to teach. Not everyone is ready to accept it, and each one must go as far as he can let himself be led along the road to truth. He will return and go still farther, or perhaps step back a while and then return again.

But healing is the gift of those who are prepared to learn there is no world, and can accept the lesson now. Their readiness will bring the lesson to them in some form which they can understand and recognize. Some see it suddenly on point of death, and rise to teach it. Others find it in experience that is not of this world, which shows them that the world does not exist because what they behold must be the truth, and yet it clearly contradicts the world.

~ The Disappearance of the Universe

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