Tuesday, July 31, 2018

God Did Not Create the World

Pursah: When the false universe is finished being corrected by the Holy Spirit, it will no longer appear to exist. I say it will no longer APPEAR to exist because it does not exist in reality. The true Universe is God's Universe, or Heaven - and Heaven has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the false universe. However, there is a way of LOOKING at your universe that will help you return to your true home with God. 

Gary: You're talking about the universe like it's some kind of a mistake. But the Bible says that God created the world, and most everybody believes He did, not to mention all the world's religions. My friends and I think that God produced the world so He could know Himself experientially, which I guess is a pretty common New Age belief. Didn't God create polarity, duality, and all of the opposites in this world of subject and object?

Pursah: In a word, no. God did not create duality and He did not create the world. If He did, He would be the author of "a tale told by an idiot." But God is not an idiot. He can only be one of two things. He is either perfect Love, as the Bible says when it momentarily stumbles upon the truth, or He's an idiot. You can't have it both ways. Jesus was no idiot either, because he wasn't taken in by the false universe. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/photo

Monday, July 30, 2018

A Commitment to the Integrity of the Course

Jesus' Course is actually spreading at a much faster pace than Christianity did. A hundred years from now, a significant percentage of the world's population will accept that the Course is really Jesus speaking the Word of God. What good will that do if people don't apply it? That's why we want you to be clear about what the Course is saying. 

That's not as easy as you might think. Since the Course became available to people in 1975, there has been an explosion of channeled writings, techniques from Course imitators, and various teachings, many of whose followers say are the same as or just like the Course. But to the well-trained eye, these other teaching are missing the most important parts of the Course - the parts that make it what it is. While you do not want to attack other teachers, that does NOT mean that a commitment to the integrity of the message of the Course should not be voiced. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe
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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Remembering the Truth

Remembering the truth can bring you peace no matter what the seeming event or person is who is being forgiven. As long as you remember the truth, you're doing your job. Sometimes your dream seems like a nice one, but then without warning it becomes a nightmare That's the re-enactment of the separation from God. Yet neither the bad or the good that seemed to precede it are true. As the Course reminds you 'Fairy tales can be pleasant or fearful, but no one calls them true. Children may believe them, and so, for a while, the tales are true for them. Yet when reality dawns, the fantasies are gone. Reality has not gone in the meanwhile." ~ The Disappearance of the Universe 
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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Life Here on Earth

Remember what the Course says about your seeming life and death in this world, "In any state apart from Heaven life is illusion. At best it seems like life; at worst, like death. Yet both are judgments on what is not life, equal n their inaccuracy and lack of meaning. Life not in Heaven is impossible, and what is not in Heaven is not anywhere." ~ The Disappearance of the Universe
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Friday, July 27, 2018

Freedom from the Body

In most cases, if people knew what freedom from the body is like they wouldn't mourn the dead - they'd be jealous. The problem is that that the fun doesn't last. The guilt in your mind catches up with you and causes you to hide in a security-blanket body again. It's just a continuation of the dream of birth and death. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo
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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Kick Him in the Balls

Sometimes, in an emergency, there may not be time to ask for help. For example, if someone is attempting to rape a woman, she doesn't have time to join with the Holy Spirit and ask for guidance. In that case, she should do whatever is appropriate. That's NOT the time to be applying that Workbook lesson, "If I defend myself I am attacked." Remember, the Course is done at the level of the mind. If you're a woman, and a man is trying to rape you, kick him in the balls.

So if someone attacks you and there's time, forgive. After you forgive, if you don't feel any need to respond, then don't. If you do feel a need to respond, put the Holy Spirit in charge. The guidance could be, "Forget it. Don't do anything." Or it could be that you should do something. But if it is, don't do anything until you feel you've been told, or inspired, as to what it should be.
~ Your Immortal Reality  Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo    Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Afraid of Death, Afraid of God

You fear death consciously and attracted to it unconsciously. It's like a moth to the flame. The attraction of death is the third of what the Course describes as the four major obstacles to peace, and your fear of death is subordinate only to your erroneous fear of God. You could say the fear of death is symbolic of the fear of God, and without guilt in your unconscious mind it will be impossible for you to fear either. J wasn't afraid of death, and he certainly wasn't afraid of God. There's no more need for you to fear your Father than there was for him to. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe 
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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Nothing is Unforgivable

You can do the Course regardless of the problem you face, including the death of those you love and the death of your own body, which will occur at a point in the script that's already been determined - by you. Why worry about it? It's just another one of your forgiveness opportunities. Whatever happens, the smartest thing you can possibly do is take advantage of it by forgiving it - preferably sooner than than later. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo
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Monday, July 23, 2018

Each One's Path is Unique

You can get a glimpse of the absolute truth through the experience of revelation, where God Himself communicates to you in a way that reflects communication in Heaven. God does NOT speak in words - ever - and those who think they are hearing His Voice are usually hearing the Voice of the Holy Spirit mixed in with their own thoughts. That's normal for spiritual seekers.

The experience of revelation, where God Himself silently communicates His Love to you, is beyond this world and cannot be captured with words. This experience sometimes happens to people before they are enlightened, but it doesn't always happen and people shouldn't feel slighted if it doesn't. Each one's path is unique, but the way to God always comes back to practicing forgiveness.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Sunday, July 22, 2018

It's Only a Dream World

You've had many different parents in your many lifetimes, and many you're spouses and children. A lot of them have appeared to die on you while you were still in a body. That's the way of the dream world. But it's only a dream world and you're really with God. The Holy Spirit's thought system is waking you up; it's up to you to do your part and remember Him and His thought system on this level once you've learned it.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Death is Symoblic

Death is symbolic of your illusory separation from God. What happens when someone you love appears to die? All of a sudden you're separate. You appear to lose them just like you appeared to lose God. But it's not true. You can't really lose them any more than you can lose God. You are inseparable. You cry when a body you love appears to die, but as the Course teaches you, it's really your experience of God and Heaven that you miss. J says, "...And who could weep but for his innocence?" ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo
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Friday, July 20, 2018

People Have Died on Your Watch

You've had many different parents in your many lifetimes, and many spouses and children. A lot of them have appeared to die on you while you were still in a body. That's the way of the dream world. But it's only a dream world and you're really with God. The Holy Spirit's thought system is waking you up; it's up to you to do your part and remember Him and His thought system on this level once you've learned it. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo
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The Absolute Truth

A Course in Miracles is a presentation of the absolute truth, which can be summed in just two words, but only accepted by a mind that has been prepared for it. Two thousand years from now, "God Is" will still be the absolute truth, and God will still be perfect love. The REAL truth doesn't change. To accept it, however, requires the kind of mind training the Course gives you. Some people may not choose to be prepared in this lifetime. They want the meaning of God and the world to be open to their own ideas. That's fine if that's what they want for now. But as J asks you in his Course, "Would God have left the meaning of the world to your interpretation?" ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/photo

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Erection or Resurrection?

Arten: People have a lot of assumptions, but J didn't come to the world in order to start some religion so people could make other people wrong for having bodies and wanting to use them. He taught forgiveness, and still does, in order to teach people the total insignificance of the body - and lead them to their true Identity as Christ.

Gary: So I can live and forgive simultaneously - and it's possible to have both an erection and a resurrection?

Arten: That's true - just not at the same time! At some point you'll have to choose the body or spirit, once and for all.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe    Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

There is No Desert

You dream of a desert, where mirages are your rules and tormentors, yet these images come from you. Father did not make the desert, and your home is still with Him. o return, forgive your brother, for only then do you forgive yourself. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Nothing Wrong with Sex

The whole idea of sex being a bad thing never came from God and it never came from J. If you think there's something wrong with sex, then you may as well think there's something wrong with eating food. They are both normal activities for a body, and any idea to the contrary is completely made up by people, not spiritually inspired. Yet it's perfectly appropriate for someone to give up sex if they themselves feel inspired to do so as an expression of what they really are. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe  Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Monday, July 16, 2018

The Course Leads You to Your Real Identity

A powerful advantage of A Course in Miracles instead of merely telling you to believe you are not a body, it actually gives you the means to experience something beyond - and better. Most people have no idea of how good they could really feel. A chief goal of the Course is to lead the student to an Identity, and associated experiences, that are not of this world. These non-intellectual experiences, which are paradoxically the result of intellectual processes, are in fact the forerunner to the Holy Spirit's permanent answer to this world. Most people would hesitate to give up the world, but would they be so hesitant if they were given a clear taste of the alternative? Given an authentic spiritual experience, they would find the material world a cruel joke compared to what's available.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Christ Needs Nothing

If you need something - and you would have to lack it to need it - then you can remember that it's just a substitute for God, and that a sense of separation form Him is the only real problem. You're having a dream of scarcity, but it's not true. Instead of making one thing on the level of form more important than another thing, you can remember that it's really all the same in its nothingness. Christ needs nothing. If you need something then you're coming form weakness, but if you need nothing then you can come from the strength of Christ. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe 
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Saturday, July 14, 2018

What Else Could Want Something?

When you have a deep desire for anything then you must think you're a body, or separate from God in some way. What else could want something? If you're spirit, or joined with God, then you need nothing. If you remember you're NOT a body then you can step back and see that what you desire is valueless. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo
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Friday, July 13, 2018

Neither One is True

One thing you want to understand is that you're innocent no matter what appears to happen in your life. Some people feel guilty for being poor and some people feel guilty for being rich. Don't you think you've been both poor and rich in your numerous dreams lives? Yet neither one is true. It's just a dream! ~ The Disappearance of the Universe Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo
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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Firing a Gun

Gary: So I can be forgiven all of my illusions, no matter what they are, and I can get home even faster. (Note: At this point some gunshots went off in the woods very close to my house - a situation that wasn't uncommon near Christmas, even though deer-hunting season had ended a few weeks earlier. It wasn't unheard of for citizens of Maine to be killed in their yards - or even  their homes - by hunters.

Gary: Don't worry, none of them hit me. It's just some rednecks blowing away a few defenseless animals for pleasure.

Arten : You've never fired a gun, have you?

Gary: No. That's because a man who feels a need to fire a gun secretly feels inadequate about his penis. And a woman who feels a need to fire a gun is secretly jealous because she doesn't have a penis. That's just my opinion. Maybe I'm still upset about that woman near Waterville who was out in her yard with her children; a hunter mistook her for a deer and snuffed her.

Arten: You're slipping, Gary. Forgiveness, remember?

Gary: I'm taking the day off!

~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The Burden of Judging

There's a passage in the Manual that's very helpful because it reminds you that if you let the Holy Spirit take care of judgment, then it actually puts you in a much more powerful situation. It's no sacrifice for a teacher of God to give up the burden of judging. "...On the contrary, he puts himself in a position where judgment through him rather than by him can occur. And this judgment is neither 'good' nor 'bad.' It is the only judgment there is, and it is only one: God's Son is guiltless, and sin does not exist." ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

it Takes Vigilance

Be determined to stay alert. You know the ego is going to try to upset you and make you think you're a body. That's why the Course counsels you about being vigilant and not being so tolerant of mind wandering. All you've got to do is focus and use a little more discipline. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe    Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/photo

Monday, July 9, 2018

Time Heals Not all Wounds

In a nutshell, the Course is saying that all of time was actually contained within one instant. The vast illusion happened all at once, although it didn't really happen, and it's actually over. The thought of separation and all the symbolic thoughts of separation therein were immediately corrected by the Holy Spirit, but we keep replaying the tape of the script of separation in our mind over and over - kind of like ghosts - until we completely accept the Holy Spirit's corrections, which dissolve time and return us to God. So time heals not all wounds, but forgiveness will heal all time. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/photo

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Forgive and Let Live

What you think of as the past is an illusory happening that is taking place right now. The future is happening right now, but your mind has divided these images up to make them look like time. Yet the whole thing happened all at once and is already over. No matter what tricks the ego throws your way, just forgive and let live. The Course asks you to relinquish your judgement.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Masters in the World

Since people are enlightened before they leave the body, obviously it must be possible for enlightened Beings to APPEAR to be functioning in this world. Yet they know they're not really in the world, and that there's no need for them to return here except as a way of letting their love help others. To repeat, it is their love that the seemingly split minds give form to in the illusion. There's really no need for masters to make any form after they're enlightened. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe
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Friday, July 6, 2018

Taking Responsibility for Time

Because you cannot yet experience eternity completely you need miracles, or acts of true forgiveness, in which you give to your brothers and sisters in order to give to yourself and be healed by the One you trust, the Holy Spirit. As the Course says, "In time the giving comes first, though they are simultaneous in eternity, where they cannot be separated. When you have learned they are the same, the need for time is over. Eternity is one, its only dimension being 'always.'"

The Course goes on to say about time, "Time and eternity are both in your mind, and will conflict until you perceive time solely as a means to regain eternity. You cannot do this as long as you believe that anything happening to you is caused by factors outside yourself. You must learn that time is solely at your disposal, and that nothing in the world can take this responsibility from you."   ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/photo

Thursday, July 5, 2018

The Carrot and a Stick

In the dream there are multiple choice scripts. That may seem to contradict the idea of the whole movie (universe) already being written, but actually, it doesn't, because it has to do with the fact that there are several dimensions open to you and it's possible to switch from one to the other. Yet it's still a closed system, and the very fact that it's limited and fixed supports what we've been saying. The ego's script is like a carrot and a stick. It tries to suck you into thinking you have freedom within the script when the only real freedom you will ever find is completely outside the whole mess. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe  Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/photo

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


Evolution is something that appears to happen on the level of form, but it's just a dream. Once your mind has learned all its forgiveness lessons, then it awakens to spirit or soul, and everything else is gone except Heaven. Most people think of their soul as being an individual thing because they can't help but think of themselves as individuals. When that false belief is gone, then you know that there is really only one soul - which is our unlimited oneness as spirit. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/photo

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Collapsing Time

The Holy Spirit's script is the forgiveness of all the people in your life - no matter where you may appear to be. That's how time disappears. One of the best ways to get the distinction between the ego's time and the Holy Spirit's timelessness is to remember that the Holy Spirit's lessons of true forgiveness lead to the undoing of time by rendering it unnecessary. This undoing is accomplished at the level of the mind - outside of tine - and instead of changing time, collapses it. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photos   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/photo

Monday, July 2, 2018

The Universe Will Simply Disappear

What you are witnessing here is like an ego recording, and it's up to you when you want to listen to a different tune. The universe doesn't have to collapse onto itself in order to end. What has to happen is that everyone has to wake up, then the dream universe will simply disappear - because an insignificant dream was all it ever was. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe 
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Sunday, July 1, 2018

Self Predetermination

Remember this: Since it was your decision to side with the ego and make the separation real it means, once again, that this script is an example of SELF predetermination that was agreed to by you on a different level, not a case of you being a victim. Now you have the Course to teach you how to change your mind about the whole thing. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe  Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/photo