Thursday, July 26, 2018

Kick Him in the Balls

Sometimes, in an emergency, there may not be time to ask for help. For example, if someone is attempting to rape a woman, she doesn't have time to join with the Holy Spirit and ask for guidance. In that case, she should do whatever is appropriate. That's NOT the time to be applying that Workbook lesson, "If I defend myself I am attacked." Remember, the Course is done at the level of the mind. If you're a woman, and a man is trying to rape you, kick him in the balls.

So if someone attacks you and there's time, forgive. After you forgive, if you don't feel any need to respond, then don't. If you do feel a need to respond, put the Holy Spirit in charge. The guidance could be, "Forget it. Don't do anything." Or it could be that you should do something. But if it is, don't do anything until you feel you've been told, or inspired, as to what it should be.
~ Your Immortal Reality

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