Thursday, December 28, 2017

Go By What it Says

I’m often asked various questions at my Workshops about what the Course means, and I usually start off by saying the best way to know what the Course means is to go by what it says. That may seem obvious, but the Course says a lot of things people don’t want to hear, and there’s tremendous psychological resistance to getting it. For example, it says, “There is no world! This is the central thought the Course attempts to teach.” Most people don’t want to hear that. They want the world, and desire the things in it they are attracted to; hoping at the same time that the bad things won’t come to them, or at least not be too bad. 

Yet the Course also says, (with the Voice of the Course, Jesus, speaking in the first person) “I once asked you to sell all you have and give to the poor and follow me. This is what I meant: If you have no investment in anything in this world, you can teach the poor where their treasure is. The poor are merely those who have invested wrongly, and they are poor indeed!” The Course is talking here about your psychological investment. Its teachings are always done at the level of the mind, not at the level of the physical. You prepare yourself to go home by undoing the ego and gradually letting the Holy Spirit become the dominant force in your mind, and in the end, the only force in your mind. ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

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