Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Your Creations

When J uses the word creations in his Course, he’s not using it the way the world does. You think of your creations as being a song, or a book, or a painting, or anything you make or accomplish in this world. But J is talking about an entirely different level here. When he says the Holy Spirit will bless your creations, he’s referring to your creations in Heaven. In Heaven you create the same way that God creates, because God created you to be exactly like Him. There’s no difference or distinction between you and God. Yes, he created you, you didn’t create Him, but even that distinction is gone. You could think of it, and we’ve used this phrase before, as being a simultaneous extension of the whole. The human mind can’t really grasp the quality and the magnitude of it, but that’s the general idea.

We’re not saying there’s anything wrong with what you call your creations here. Indeed, beautiful works of art can be inspired by the Holy Spirit. But as far as the Course is concerned, only that which is eternal is real. You’ve seen great works of art, yet thousands of years from now almost none of them will exist. But what is created in Heaven will never cease to exist. ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo   Facebook.com/DWMJF/photo

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