Thursday, March 29, 2018

A Wonder to Behold

Gary: I don't want to seem stupid, but to make sure I understand: you're saying the Course is purely non-dualistic, meaning of the two seeming worlds, the world of God and the world of man, only the world of God is true and He doesn't interact with the false world- but the Holy Spirit is here to guide us home. When the Course makes statements about God weeping for His children and stuff like that, you have to take it symbolically as the Holy Spirit wanting us to choose His voice instead of the ego's?

Pursah: Exactly. Very good. you're not stupid, although your ego would like for you to be. The ego's entire world is a stupid idea, because it's based on a stupid decision. You just said something important, something that's very much in harmony with the right way of looking at the Course. Although you'd never know it by the way most people write and speak about the Course today, in the whole seven years Helen was scribing Course, and during the eight years she lives after that, it never once occurred to her, or Ken Wapnick who was her best friend during those years, that there could possibly be any other interpretation of the Course. But give the world a few years to screw up J's message and it's a wonder to behold.
~ The Disappearance of the Universe

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