Friday, June 1, 2018

Save Your Airfare

Sure, physical miracles are possible, because the mind makes everything. All psychic phenomena are possible, because "minds are joined." But why waste all that time and energy working on the illusory effects when you can go right to the cause and just take care of the mind? It's a question of how fast you want to get to where you're going. Why delay yourself?

It's like people who waste their lives fighting the battle of "good versus evil," when what they're really seeing out there in the world is merely symbolic of the conflict between right-mindedness or good, and wrong-mindedness or evil, that is occurring within their own split minds. Save you airfare and forgive. You'll get to Heaven a thousand times faster in the process. After you forgive, if you feel guided by the Holy Spirit to have a job aiding people in the world go right ahead. While you're doing it, you can continue to practice forgiveness at the same time. ~ The Disappearance of the Universe

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