Sunday, January 21, 2018

How Bad Do You Want It?

Being a life-long musician, I like the analogy of someone who wants to be a good piano player. You can learn a great deal about music appreciation and music theory, but there’s only one thing in the world that’s ever going to make you a good piano player, and that’s if you sit there every day at the piano and practice. Absent that, it will never happen. 

Spirituality is no different. Do we really believe we’re going to achieve the same level of spiritual advancement as people like J, Mary and Nadav without practicing? I’ve met many Course students who don’t think they have to practice. They think they can just skip to the end. It’s as though they honestly believe they can just say, “I am enlightened” and that makes it true. But it doesn’t. When the Course says salvation is undoing, it means it. The ego must be undone. The ego’s dream must be awakened from. And the Holy Spirit’s great teaching tool to undo the ego and awaken from the dream is forgiveness. No one will do the forgiveness work that’s necessary to achieve enlightenment unless they want it bad enough. ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

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