Monday, January 1, 2018

The Math of Non-Dualism

One of the most common new age beliefs is that God created the dualistic universe so He could experience Himself. The insanity of that idea is almost never questioned. It’s like saying that in order to enjoy, appreciate, and experience the orgasmic joy of sex you have to shoot yourself in the stomach so you’ll have a dualistic experience to compare it to. But God is not insane. The truth is a constant state, and as both the Course and the Bible have said, God is still perfect love. This dream world is the opposite of perfect, but the reality of God gives us a perfect home to go home to. To go home to that real world, however, one has to wake up from this one. There are not two real worlds. The math of non-dualism is very simple. It always comes out to one. ~ The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

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