Thursday, October 25, 2018

A Slippery Slope

Don't be discouraged by those who borrow form the Course instead of teaching it. There are even people who teach the Course exclusively who fail to understand it. They'll think that the Course is open to their interpretation. Yet if it were, it would be useless. What makes the Course unique is that what it says is NOT open to interpretation. It says there is no world and only God is real. The way to awaken from the dream of death is through total, uncompromising forgiveness of people because they haven' really done anything, which is how to forgive yourself. Any other interpretation is folly.

Yet you have Course teachers who are right there, making the Holy Spirit out to be like a real person acting on your behalf out in a world that the Course says doesn't even exist, quickly taking the student's attention away from where it should be, on the cause instead of the effect, and delaying the student's progress. Then on top of that it's a slippery slope from making the world real to eventually ending up like Pat Robertson and telling everybody exactly how they should behave in that illusory world, or else.

Don't ever fall into that trap. Respect what the Course says. Honor the memory of Helen and Bill by telling people the truth about how it came and what it says Don't compromise, don't sell out, and don't worry about what people think. If they were that smart, they wouldn't think they were hear in the first place. ~ Your Immortal Reality

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