Thursday, October 4, 2018

Protesting the War

It's interesting to watch peace activists and environmental activists. I know some peace activists who hate people. They're out there protesting against the war, which is cool, but what it's really about for them is getting their political opponents whom they hate, or the greedy corporate pigs who they think are exploiting everybody. But those corporate leaders are just people, like everybody else. Yeah, maybe they have an addiction to money, but almost everybody's after something. The interesting thing to me is, if you're against the war thinking about how much you're opposed to your political opponents, then you're doing it with the ego as your teacher. But you could do exactly the same thing with the Holy Spirit as your teacher, and it would be a totally different experience.

From that perspective, it's not about getting your political opponents or expressing your outrage at the powers that be. Now you're protesting against the war as an expression of what you are, which is love, with the idea of having a more loving world. That's a totally different place to be coming from. So it's not what you do that matters. Either way you could be out on the street protesting. Nobody else would be able to tell what's going on in your mind, but for you, it's now about love. It's not the form that matters; it's the content. ~ Your Immortal Reality

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