Sunday, October 14, 2018

An Apparition is Not Reality

I heard Marianne talking to someone who saw an apparition of a split mind who had gone on to the other side, and she said to the person who saw it, "That's reality." Well, according to the Course, that's NOT reality. She's confusing people. It obscures the choice that needs to be made. Reality is perfect oneness with God, and nothing else exists - nothing that changes, nothing that appears separate. Nothing. I've also gotten e-mails from her where she tries to get people to take certain actions in the world, like stopping genocide, and she actually included a quote form Dante, the one that says, "There is a special place in hell reserved for those who, in times of moral crisis, remain neutral." I mean, talk about trying to get people to do something in the illusion by making them feel guilty! What does that have to do with A Course in Miracles? ~ Your Immortal Reality

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