Monday, October 22, 2018

Diluting the Message of A Course in Miracles

There are many spiritual teachers who are diluting the message of A Course in Miracles by teaching methods they claim are in agreement with the Course when they actually are not. This confuses the student by diverting attention from what the Course is teaching to something different, which the teachers of apparently don't even understand are different, or else they wouldn't be presenting them as though they're the same by quoting the Course out of context to support their teachings.

One good example is the teaching that one should be in the now. Keep in mind that we're not saying there's anything wrong with the the idea that there may be some good in focusing on the now rather than the past or the future. The quality of life would be improved. The problem is that doing so cannot remove the unconscious guilt over the original separation from God that's still hidden in the deep recesses of the mind. Because of that, it makes each experience of being in the now temporary by definition, because it fails to remove the blocks that prevent that experience from being permanent. All of which is to say that there's not just a minor difference between the approach of The Power of Now and the real power of A Course in Miracles. It's the difference between being temporarily in the now of an illusion, or being permanently in the presence of reality.
~ Your Immortal Reality

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